I could be wrong, but I think Eli "Baldy" LaCrosse died about 20 years ago.
Do you really think that I'm an old pal of Buk's?
My "Baldy" information comes mostly from Pleasants' absurd memoir.
If the real Mullinax is still alive and posting here, that would be like having St. Peter rapping about J.C.!
"Baldy" - Show thyself!
I just remembered that Linda complained about Baldy showing up in San Pedro. Something about him being a pest and hard to get rid of. Sort of like my posts here.
That's why we need a GLOSSARY of the Bukverse.
Lemme see now: "JORY SHERMAN, friend and fellow poet, later known for his formulaic cowboy stories. Wrote bittersweet screed about friendship and falling out with Buk, FRIENDSHIP, FAME and BESTIAL MYTH. Not invited to wedding or funeral."