Short Film - "You & Your Beer & How Great You Are" (1 Viewer)

Hey brother name is Clint Parnell and I've been a Bukowski fan since I first read his book "South of No North" back in '96.

Anyhow, I recently made a short film based on a short story from the same book.

It's "You & Your Beer & How Great You Are" and can be found here

I'm not trying to solicit or advertise, I'm selective about who I want to see my work and who better than all you who obviously have fine taste.

Thanks for your time and please give any feedback that you might have.

Clint Parnell
Welcome Clint. It has the look and feel of Bukowski writing. It follows the words but it could use some talented actors to really get the feeling.
The conversation with Pattie in Spanish was good. It gave it more of a Los Angeles today feel with that.

Who picked Journey? The music worked IMO. Now hang out for a while let us know what you know and love about Bukowski. Otherwise it's all for nothing.
Thank You

Hey, thanks for watching and giving feedback. Honestly I thought the acting was pretty good so it's interesting and helpful to get your opinion on it...That's myself playing the main role. It was kind of a personal thing for me, burying a hatchet so to speak..I don't consider myself an actor really but I wanted to play this part. I hope it's not too bad that it ruins the short. Did you think all of the actors were weak? Honest opinions please and thanks.

Also, do any or all of you know this particular story? It's the first of what I hope will be 8 or so adaptations from South of No North.

If any of you are as fond of this book as I should tell me what ones you would like to be filmed...I have a pretty good idea which ones I want to do but am curious to what you all might think.

I picked all the music...shit, for better or for worse I did pretty much everything except play Annes part...on a budget of $400..

BTW did anyone see the copy of Hollywood by Buk thrown in?

And thanks again for checking it out, I will make sure to stick around. I live in East Hollywood in Ol' Buks stomping grounds but I am from is Clint..nice to meet ya
You're crazy to do all that. It looks pretty good though. You need a good sound mix, but it looks like a pro shoot. Nice work.

A lot of people might not go look at it at first because we have kind of a bad history of people coming in and posting a link to a shit video as their introduction.

This though - definitely not a shit video.
Hi Clint, I watched the three parts and liked it.
The pace was really good and the atmosphere quite believable.
Good job!
I liked that you typed in the link, rather than pushing it. It was worth it.
I was trying to ignore it, but watched it anyway.

it's very good. I was pleasantly surprised. I don't mean that to sound condescending, it's a compliment.

the acting was fine, not stunning, but it didn't take away from the the direction, which I thought was quite good.

but good stuff, really.
Haven't seen it yet, but am downloading the parts at the moment and will watch later.
Congrats, Clint. Such a remark from mjp is a high appraisal around here.

I too love that story.
It's one of my favorites, since so few things seem to happen on the surface (actionwise), but you get the whole feeling of Bukowski's view of the world and of mankind.
I once did a short movie based on 'You can't write a love-story', which I think has similar qualities. But my adaption is far from being any kind of even only semi-pro.
I was reminded of your film as I watched this one Roni. Don't downplay it! It is a heartfelt and solid piece of work.
nicely done, sir. enjoyed it.

some fine shots there...AND you garnered the Official mjp Stamp Of Not-Sucking, so you can put that on a resume...
How true! MJP likes it is kinda' like the LIFE cereal commercial, "Mikey hates everything!".

Congrats on an above average review the hardest man to please.

That is funny.
the only reason I watched them is because mjp said they didn't suck. I was just going to pretend they didn't exist.

what a sad little man I am...
Nice stuff.
Plenty of heart in this.
Nice camera work.
Like the way you don't get to see the guy's face til well into it.
Reminds me of the scene in Factotum - you know - the world's best horse player!
Liked the drive back during the credits too.

My only gripe is with the FM soft rock used.
Especially Kansas.
Carry on my wayward son? There'll be peace when you are done?
Come on!
The eye of the tiger would almost be better.
I guess its the epic guitar solo effect your after.
Hard to suggest a replacement though...
Maybe something classical would be more suitable, more true, more grandious, more real, like
Oh well.
Well done anyway!:D
I just watched all three parts. It's a good adaptation of the novel and the camera work has a professional quality to it. Well done, CP!
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Nice stuff.
Plenty of heart in this.
Maybe something classical would be more suitable, more true, more grandious, more real, like
Oh well.
Well done anyway!:D

I just listened to that entire piece you suggested. Beethoven's 3rd is longer than the whole movie Clint Parnell made. I would think in honor of Bukowski there could have been just a little bit of Classical music. You can do that on your next film. Oh, and everyone should listen to ERIK's suggestion.
hey wow, i appreciate all the responses. Honestly there isn't a group of people I'd rather have watch my short film.

I tried to stay true to Buks work and feeling..he's been a father figure of sorts so it's the least I could do..

and I will be sticking around..i've actually lurked for awhile so I familiar with some of the one I plan shooting is "hitman" from SONN..thanks again and cheers..

I was still cynical even after the positive comments.
Just watched it and I do like it.
Even Journey and Supertramp works for me.
And Jack Daniels.
Also, do any or all of you know this particular story? It's the first of what I hope will be 8 or so adaptations from South of No North.

If any of you are as fond of this book as I should tell me what ones you would like to be filmed...I have a pretty good idea which ones I want to do but am curious to what you all might think.

I picked all the music...shit, for better or for worse I did pretty much everything except play Annes part...on a budget of $400..

Clint: Enjoyed that - a rare break form the usual "Bukowski inspired me to make musical refrigerator magnets - check 'em out on ebay" sort of crap we get here all too often.

Most of us are very familiar with most of Buk's stories and all, but that's one I haven't read in a while. I'll tell you, if you could pull off a ~15-20 minute version of All the Assholes in the World and Mine, I think that would be great. You'd need the main character to also be narrator, but there could be some great funny dialog scenes in the hospital room. So, it would be a challenge to you to create interest from what amounts to boredom and absurd surroundings rather than the "action" of boxing and arguing between a man and a woman. You know you want a challenge, don't you?

While I don't care for the music you picked, it actually worked rather well. In other words, those are songs I wouldn't listen to ordinarily (anymore), but they fit well for some reason.

Glad to hear you'll be sticking around. Fine job.
The funny thing is, I'm not a fan of that music either..but for whatever reason the songs popped in my head when I was writing (adapting)...

All the assholes in the world and mine...okay, sounds challenging and perfect..
have watched it tonight.
very nice piece.

I was surprised (from what I've heared here) how well that music worked. I didn't find it annoying at Any point. It fit.

I also didn't find the acting bad. No part was acting bad i.m.o.
(and all the female actresses were true beauties! You're a lucky guy!)

And I fully agree, the adaption was done pretty good and one felt the heart in it.

Just ONE thing to think about:
The camera was sometimes annoying (to me).
It weren't the angles - these were Great.
Nor the play with focus/out-of-focus - that was alright.

But the UNSTEADY way the cam used to move - this is an element of style, that should be used rarely and careful. Having such an unsteady cam so much takes away the effect. I may be wrong, it's just an oppinion (and an observation).

ps: thanks mjp!
Enjoyed the short

I enjoyed this. The film is amateurish in places (elements of the sound recording, lighting and the weakness with regard to the leads acting ability), but what do you expect with a budget of $400! The direction is strong, as is are the performances delivered by the co-stars and overall, the film is successful in conveying the mood and atmosphere found in a typical Bukowski short story. I would recommend you check it out.
You captured the essence of the story - and that's the most important to me. Any music would work because rest of the 'stuff' is there. The only annoyance was that little hat, and white Miata????
I'm reading South of no North for the first time and read that particular story yesterday. I just watching your film adaption and I gotta say I really enjoyed it. You managed to recreate the feel of the story pretty nicely. Visually it was beautifully done - the fight scene was awesome! I really liked the dull yellow colour tone of the picture and the acting in general was pretty good (particularly Jack)

Very minor personal gripes- the subtitles I found really distracting scrolling along the screen, and also the boxed effect as he drives of the pick up the drunk girl I found a bit off-putting. But hey that could be just me, as a whole I thought it was a damn fine bit of work. Well done. (gonna save that in my favourites)
My review: (In my raspiest, self important sounding Brooklyn accent)

Ya good kid, but you ain't da champ yet. One night of boozin' with a camera don't make you a Mr. Bukowski film director. Hey, for what it's worth, the movie wasn't so bad an it's a damn shame you didn't have you none of that little Spanish hottie, but ain't nobody ever perfect in this world; not even Charlie-Hank Bukowski.

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