What makes Bukowski so unique?

Bukowski wrote poetry that was unique, powerful, and innovative. I've read a lot of poetry and I agree with Bukowski that most of its sucks. And it's boring. Bukowki also wrote honestly and hid little.
It is very rare almost unique that writer describes all his life in his books.
Like Buk did it.

Let's see:
"Ham on ray" - events from early childhood until he left parents home in 1941
"Factotum" - his jobs all around USA from 1941 until steady job in post-office in 1955
"Post-office" - his life while he was employee in post-office (1955-1970)
"Women" - life as proffesional writer after quiting post-office (1970-1978)
"Hollywood" - life in mid 1980's
"Captain is out on lunch and sailors took over the ship" - last years in form of diary

Is there any part of his life not covered by his writing?
If anyone write down events from his life ,is it literature?
No, but if you underline in that events important issues and put
inside poetics and philosophical thaughts and make corelations
with other significant works of literature and philosophy than it becomes literature.
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It is very rare almost unique that writer describes all his life in his books.
You're kidding, right?

Is there any part of his life not covered by his writing?

You are basing your conclusions on a lot of myth and interpreting his work as strictly autobiographical, which it was not.
interpreting his work as strictly autobiographical, which it was not.

Bukowski said that 95% of his writing is real life and 5% is pure fiction.
What is the proper way to understand this statement?

In "Born into this" you have interview with postal clerk who worked with
Buk, same time same place, and is mentioned in "Post-office" under
the name "Tom Moto", and film director asks him is the book accurate?

"Yes , the book is accurate" was answer.

If someone likes Bukowski after some time it is easy to feel
in his works what realy happened and what is fiction.
Bukowski said that 95% of his writing is real life and 5% is pure fiction.
What is the proper way to understand this statement?

Well, there you have it! Some excellent scholars have proven you wrong. Just because Buk said it does not make it true, no matter how convinced you are of it.

In "Born into this" you have interview with postal clerk who worked with
Buk, same time same place, and is mentioned in "Post-office" under
the name "Tom Moto", and film director asks him is the book accurate?

"Yes , the book is accurate" was answer.

I guess that a guy that knew him a little bit 40 years ago as a clerk at a job of his knows more than decades of intensive research and truth.

If someone likes Bukowski after some time it is easy to feel in his works what realy happened and what is fiction.

You can believe the Bukowski myth if you want to. That is fine, but you will have a much harder time trying to convince us all that you are right when you are wrong. Sorry, not to be a ball buster, but saying that "liking" Bukowski makes it easy to know what is truth and what is fiction (in a book of fiction) is vain and wrong. Look around on this forum and you will see that things like Buk always being broke was a myth, as was the 10 year drunk. There are many more myths, but I cannot recreate decades of research and all of the postings on this forum to prove it.

Bukowski is my favorite writer, but I also know that he exaggerated much and made up much to make stories more interesting. What is what writers do.


p.s. Many of us know many of the people that were his friends, lovers, publishers. They are far more reliable in confirming what is real and what is not than a guy at the post office that was an acquantence of Buk's 40 years ago.
Many of us know many of the people that were his friends, lovers, publishers.

Well, the film "Born into this" is full of his former wifes, publishers and lovers.

And it is DOCUMENTARY film.

Made in 2004, with intention to collect memories of people conected with Bukowski before they leave this world because of age.
My picture of Buk was same before and after watching this film, and impression that Chinaski/Bukowski is (almost) the same person stayed.

It would be nice if others can leave their impression after they watched film.

And I forgot to mention above ,
"Sheakspeare never did this " - his voyage thru France and Germany in 1979
equiped with photos of M. Montfort has a taste of unique genre , something
like crossover betwen literature and document
It is very rare almost unique that writer describes all his life in his books.

Hi dragon, at the beginning, I also thought that, what Buk was writing about, was all true.

Inspired by, is more like it. You'll figure it out as you go.

But it feels like it, that is the beauty of it all.

Bon't forget! he is the hero of his own shit. :D

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