What a tragedy.
Weddle posted on this forum 6 times and he arrived ostensibly to promote his Loujon book.
Might I suggest the problem with esotouric is the product rather than the MO?
Absolutely. But maybe not in exactly the way you're thinking.
Weddle created something, it was of interest to many Bukowski readers. Lost in the Grooves LLC, d/b/a Esotouric on the other hand, has created --- what, exactly?
I mean, I've been over this in the other threads, but in my opinion, the people who run Esotouric are parasites, to put it bluntly. They create nothing, and try to sell you empty pseudo-experiences and cheap souvenir garbage that exploits the names and achievements of people who actually
did create something. And that parasitic behavior is perfectly illustrated by their use of this forum - that
we have created and nurtured - to shill their crap. This is nothing but an information and advertising resource to them. If they're going to treat this place that way, I say fuck them.
This is not a commercial venue. Look around, do you see ads? Do you know there's a plugin I could install on this forum that would turn every title of every Bukowski book ever typed in this forum into a link to an Amazon order page? With a small cut of each sale going to me, of course. I wouldn't do something like that in a million years. So for Lost in the Grooves LLC, d/b/a Esotouric to come in and use this as their own commercial venue is
fucked, and that's what rubs me the wrong way. If that's hypocritical, then color me the world's biggest hypocrite.
Anyone who wants to go on one of their bus tours or buy their garbage can visit their web site. I'm certainly not stopping you. You just won't read about it here.
...you have no rights to use that photograph.
Are you referring to this photograph?
Admittedly not my best work. A rush job, you know. But I actually do have a right to use it. Copyright law (Section 107) provides that "the fair use of a copyrighted work...for purposes such as criticism [or] comment...is not an infringement..."
Consider yourself criticized.