Buk and Eminem in a room together... (1 Viewer)

I'd love to get these two guys together. Their raw expressions and no bullshit attitudes would be great. Just one of those thoughts that will never be.
I like a lot of his work. Don't like it all, but he's just telling it like it is for him. Just like Buk did. Raw, to the point and if you don't like it, fuck you.

Again, it's not all great, but I still fantasize about the 2 of them together in a room.
I like a lot of his work. Don't like it all, but he's just telling it like it is for him. Just like Buk did. Raw, to the point and if you don't like it, fuck you.

Again, it's not all great, but I still fantasize about the 2 of them together in a room.

I think it's to much the way he's making money on telling his sorry lifestory again and again in the most sentimental way. I'm sure Buk would love to punch his brains out. I guess I mean he sold out. Check his latest apperance if u don't agree...
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I'd love to get these two guys together. Their raw expressions and no bullshit attitudes would be great. Just one of those thoughts that will never be.

wouldn't this be like a conversation between God and mickey mouse?
I watched five minutes of that Eminem film and hated it, turned it off. Something about the guy irritated the hell out of me, and it wasn't his no bullshit attitude. It was more his self-important attitude. Just my two cents. I haven't heard any of his music. Maybe he's a genius, I don't know. But I imagine Hank would have had zero patience for him. He didn't even have time for some of the literary greats of his era.
I try to explain to my mother when she says that she HATES rap music.... It is not for her.

Buk would have hated Eminem, but I don't see how that means anything. I'm not aware of Eminem being a Buk fan. Buk would also have most people, rock, rap, etc. I'm sure he'd REALLY hate that Riverdance guy too!

in one for the shoeshine man, b states that it is good to like "anything that contains the original energy of joy, and along with his beloved classical music, he cites rock and jazz! i think he was feeling uncharacteristically receptive that day...he was in an accepting mood. maybe there is no one who has defined themselves as much by their dislikes than b, not in the last century anyhow (?), and there's something very entertaining when he does it.

"...i don't like their dogs or their cats or their roses."
...No disrespect intended for Eminem or his fans. All I meant is that I bet Buk would have taken an instant disliking to the guy. He probably would have the same reaction to anyone who has achieved success at an early age. Would have felt they hadn't paid their dues, suffered enough at bad jobs, lack of recognition, general struggles of paying the rent. But I shouldn't talk when I know nothing about Eminem. He may be great. Just my take on the Buk/E. in the same room question.
There is a poem BUk mentions about getting tired of receiviing mateiral about getting blow jobs or laid on the back of motorcycles that reminds me of E's music. Sure the angst is there but there is no POP ZING or AHA. Thre is no art.
I've listened to all of E's music and most of it in my opinion is crap compared to some rap that is quite good IMHO.
I think NWA or Jurassic 5 would have more appeal to BUK (if it had any at all) one becasue it is out of L.A. and two it combines the social with the personal.
And the song F the police has what I consider POP and Zing.

E music (for me) is too much of that John Lennon watch me exorcise my own demons for my interests. And yes JL did a better good job at this than E. If you are looking for a peerformer where angst meets pop you could check out the artist Bright Eyes. You are going to think he is an artist or a whiner.
Lose Yourself

I'd love to get these two guys together. Their raw expressions and no bullshit attitudes would be great. Just one of those thoughts that will never be.

As a hypothetical situation, I would tend to agree with you. I appreciate genius where I find it, in the young and the old, in the fools and the demented. As far as I'm concerned, "Lose Yourself" and "Mockingbird" are exceptional. I think Buk and Eminem would have gotten along famously, even if only one time, if they'd given each other a chance. Both came from the streets and both created something out of nothing. Then, most of Eminem's other songs don't do it for me, not that I've looked that hard. But I respect him, including his desire to make a family for his daughter and give his marriage another try. He seems to have values, and there's only so many meals you can eat in a day even if you're a guzillionaire; so that's saying something: that money doesn't own him. He also has controversial opinions, but the artists' role is to challenge, upset and awaken others. He does that. Anyway, at least in those two songs I think he nailed it down tight and the first one can light a fire under you, and the second one shows some authentic complex feelings. I follow my instinct for things, always, and have made some unexpected discoveries among the pillaged and the damned. Masters can be found in all fields of the arts, including rap, and sometimes a few pieces of the real stuff come to pass. Now Frederick Chopin and Eminem sitting down together for tea and crumpets I would imagine to be a different matter in the meeting of the minds. But I think Chopin would have found immense pleasure in playing for Bukowski, and I think Bukowski would have been thrilled. If there's anything to the idea of reincarnation, my guess is that Bukowski might prefer to go beyond words and come back as a great classical composer. He complained about certain symphonies or works being too long, or peaking too late or too soon, and I think he would find it a good challenge to find the middle ground and maybe become an immortal there too, or put together some combination of words and music like the mad Hugo Wolf. Imagine Hot Water Music put to sound, or Symphony No. 1 on Rye, or Sonata In A Deathhand.
It's been years since I've listened to either, but Eminem's first two albums are without value. He made a name for himself doing "shock rap" and has slowly gained some level of maturity in his own music since he ditched the "Slim Shady" image. Keep in mind, though, that many artists get their foot in the door doing shock or pop work in their genre(s), then they matured a bit and made something that might be worth an ear.
David Lee Roth and Bukowski would be more interesting.

I have read a book, I forgot about it. "Crazy from the Heat" Roth published it back in 97'

He climbed Everest (sp?) ya know.
Eminem isn't that great. The last time I saw him was on Akon's last single (which sucks).

My guess is that 100 years from now nobody will remember eminem but buk will still be around.

But then this is just my opinion. eminem is commerical now, buk never was.

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