Okay, I have a little something here for the friends of bukowski.net.
In 2000 there was a gallery showing here in Los Angeles of Michael Montfort's photographs of Bukowski. It was called BUKSHOT - you may have seen the postcards for the show on eBay, or maybe you saw the show.
Well, I was speaking to the fellow who curated the show, Mat Gleason, recently and the subject of Montfort came up and he told some great stories about preparing for the show, and whatnot, then, toward the end of the conversation, he said, "I still have photos printed from Montfort's negatives that were used in the press releases. Think they're worth anything?"
Uh, yeah, I thought - I think I might know some people who would like a piece of that cake!
It's going to cost you. But probably not as much as you think. Read on.
What is included is basically the press kit that went out to print media in California. The details:
Two different prints that are 5 x 7 inches each, borderless on glossy stock. Mat had the prints made himself, and personally guarantees that they were made directly from Montfort's negatives (he had access to virtually all of Montfort's Bukowski negatives during preparation for the show).
Postcards are 6 x 4.25 inches, and in as-new condition, as are the prints.
The press release for the show that you will receive is a
copy. Mat only had one original press release left in his files (shown below) so the sets had to come with copies. Everything else is first generation genuine and comes with the bukowski.net stamp of approval. Your copy of the press release will likely be sent folded once, as the original is.
Here is what the package includes:
1) 5 x 7 print: Carlton Way, Hollywood, 1982 (shown above)
1) 5 x 7 print: Schwetzingen, Germany 1978 (shown below)
1) Postcard for the show (6" x 4.25" - both sides are shown, but you get one card)
1) Copy of the original press release
There was a lot of discussion about how they should be sold, and for what price, and we arrived at what I think is a very good price for the package. You get everything you see above for:
[I still have a couple of these sets, but the Summer of '08 price no longer valid. Price is $100 now. US shipping only. If you have any questions, let me know.]
I personally thought the price should be higher, but Mat is a more generous soul than I am, apparently. ;) I think it would be difficult to find
one original Montfort print for less. You certainly won't find a set like this, which includes all the exhibition paraphernalia.
Important to note though: There are only ??? sets available.
If you want to make sure you don't miss out (or just dig instant gratification), you can buy a set right now via PayPal payment to:
[email protected].
I would really prefer PayPal payments, but if you are some kind of luddite caveman or paranoid conspiracy theorist, send me a private message so I can put you down for a set, and then send a MONEY ORDER or CASH (sorry, I love you and I trust you, but no personal checks) to:
Michael Phillips
PO Box 218
South Pasadena, CA 91031
That address is no longer valid. Contact me.
Please, if you are mailing payment,
send me a message so I know to expect your payment and put aside one of the sets for you. There is kind of a time limit on this, so I have to have your payment in my box within 7 days of your reservation. Sorry for the rush rush rush, but that's life in the big city.
FYI - the cost of the sets was determined by Mat, and the proceeds going to Mat. All bukowski.net skims off is enough for mailing materials and postage. Mat had the pictures, bukowski.net has the audience - so there you go. Good for him, good for you, no more global warming! Yay!