That's probably the best written article about 4chan's history I've read and a very interesting take on Trump too.
I don't profess to understand US politics and don't agree with everything in this article but the writer voices a feeling a lot of people obviously experience with Trumps election: It's the equivalent of an internet troll becoming president. It's like getting undocked from reality or something.
I do agree with this for Europe, it's observable:
both Sanders and the philosopher
Slavoj Zizek noted after Sanders lost the primaries, left and right are in some sense outdated ideas. The new division in politics is those who favor the current global hegemony and those who are against it. Like the Hollywood heroes, right and left have been competing to become this new radical anti-
status quo party. And so far, in both Europe and America, the right has won, implying that, as Arendt predicted, the powerlessness created by bourgeoisie systems of capitalist exploitation might once again implode into far right totalitarianism."
The article doesn't take Hillarys role as opponent in account, tho. If those guys were a major factor in Trumps rise
"Younger members of the 99 percent, like Anon, who also know this promise is empty, but who support Trump as a defiant expression of despair."
politicians like Hillary and the European equivalents are the very reason why they'd want to vote an internet troll into office.
If theoretically you could have an opponent who is able to reach this so called 4chan/Anon-demographic in at least some ways shit might turn out different.