Hi There,
There is a movement that we have started. You are invited to join. Please see below for details.
The movement is called the Guerilla Poetics Project. We have a website.
This is a non-profit, of sorts. By non-profit, I mean that no one involved in this, will make one cent. We are all volunteering our time. I'm printing all of the broadsides for the project and will help with distribution, as will everyone.
We are asking that all people that join, also donate a bit of money to the cause and also agree to distribute broadsides. The requested amount is $25. To give you an idea about how much this does NOT cover, that will get you 2 LETTERPRESSED broadsides a month (11 copies of each broadside). You are requested to COVERTLY insert the 10 broadsdides each into books in libraries and bookstores. The extra copy of each broadside will be for you to keep. The $25 will barely cover postage to get these broadsides to you for a year. The paper is being purchased by me, using donation funds (a few people have domated more that the minimum), but again, All of my labor, etc is 100% free to the group.
In addition to being asked to distribute these broadsides monthly, all members are allowed to send submissions for monthly broadsides, but must understand that we intend to have a minimum of 30 members and are only printing 2 different poems a month, so there is a better than great chance that most involved will not be published.
This project is not about money, or seeing the poet's name in print. It is about forcing great poetry on those that we know will love it. We have a list of target books and they include Bukowski, Hemingway, Fante, Kerouac, Ginsberg, and some newer writers like William T. Vollmann & Douglas Coupland. We are confident that once they realize that there is a small press that is actively writing, they will notify us and get involved.
Our goal is nothing short of global domination. We want "operatives" in all cities, states and in as many continents as possible. The group as it stands consists of people from three continents.
If you are not interested, no big deal. REALLY. We wanted to let you know about it, but if you are not interested, please don't feel like I'm trying to pressure you. We think that it will be fun going into corporate bookstores and "hiding" these poetry broadsides. Kind of using the small press to subvert the large presses....
Anyway, if interested, please check out the website. There is also an interesting blog set up (you can get to that through the website).
The biggest requirement that we ask of members is to place these broadsides every month. It only will work if we can start to get noticed by the people that will love the writing. Once we get fully running, we hope to add more letterpress printers and do more broadsides every month. If it gets bigger, we have some "in's" with larger newspapers that may want to do human interest stories on the subversive poets giving away their beautiful letterpress printed broadsides, etc...
It could be huge.
Again, please let me know either way and again, there is no pressure.
All best,
p.s. I know that this is not really Bukowski related (although I think that he would dig the idea) and asked the moderator before posting this. He believes in the movement and thought that the posting would be fine on the forum. I would not have posted it had I not thought that there would be a few people here that were interested. Thanks for your time.
There is a movement that we have started. You are invited to join. Please see below for details.
The movement is called the Guerilla Poetics Project. We have a website.
This is a non-profit, of sorts. By non-profit, I mean that no one involved in this, will make one cent. We are all volunteering our time. I'm printing all of the broadsides for the project and will help with distribution, as will everyone.
We are asking that all people that join, also donate a bit of money to the cause and also agree to distribute broadsides. The requested amount is $25. To give you an idea about how much this does NOT cover, that will get you 2 LETTERPRESSED broadsides a month (11 copies of each broadside). You are requested to COVERTLY insert the 10 broadsdides each into books in libraries and bookstores. The extra copy of each broadside will be for you to keep. The $25 will barely cover postage to get these broadsides to you for a year. The paper is being purchased by me, using donation funds (a few people have domated more that the minimum), but again, All of my labor, etc is 100% free to the group.
In addition to being asked to distribute these broadsides monthly, all members are allowed to send submissions for monthly broadsides, but must understand that we intend to have a minimum of 30 members and are only printing 2 different poems a month, so there is a better than great chance that most involved will not be published.
This project is not about money, or seeing the poet's name in print. It is about forcing great poetry on those that we know will love it. We have a list of target books and they include Bukowski, Hemingway, Fante, Kerouac, Ginsberg, and some newer writers like William T. Vollmann & Douglas Coupland. We are confident that once they realize that there is a small press that is actively writing, they will notify us and get involved.
Our goal is nothing short of global domination. We want "operatives" in all cities, states and in as many continents as possible. The group as it stands consists of people from three continents.
If you are not interested, no big deal. REALLY. We wanted to let you know about it, but if you are not interested, please don't feel like I'm trying to pressure you. We think that it will be fun going into corporate bookstores and "hiding" these poetry broadsides. Kind of using the small press to subvert the large presses....
Anyway, if interested, please check out the website. There is also an interesting blog set up (you can get to that through the website).
The biggest requirement that we ask of members is to place these broadsides every month. It only will work if we can start to get noticed by the people that will love the writing. Once we get fully running, we hope to add more letterpress printers and do more broadsides every month. If it gets bigger, we have some "in's" with larger newspapers that may want to do human interest stories on the subversive poets giving away their beautiful letterpress printed broadsides, etc...
It could be huge.
Again, please let me know either way and again, there is no pressure.
All best,
p.s. I know that this is not really Bukowski related (although I think that he would dig the idea) and asked the moderator before posting this. He believes in the movement and thought that the posting would be fine on the forum. I would not have posted it had I not thought that there would be a few people here that were interested. Thanks for your time.