Hemingway - which book next? (1 Viewer)

So far I have had good experiences with Hemingway's work and would include him somewhere in my top 10 writers list, but I also gather he has reputation for being incredibly hit-or-miss and I am pretty sure I experienced a definite miss with Across the River and into the Trees, which I tried and promptly failed to finish. Anyway I was wondering which book I should try next? I have some cash in my paypal and would like to satisfy my current Hemingway urges without wasting it on a dud.

Out of his books I have read (and loved) Old Man and The Sea, For Whom the Bell Tolls and enjoyed The Sun Also Rises, although it was the 1st Hem book I read and my memories are pretty vague. A Farewell to Arms I liked the beginning and the ending, but the middle lost my attention ( a bit too much schmaltzy romance dialogue) As far as his short stories, I loved the Nick Adams Stories (particularly Big Two Hearted River I&II, The Battler, The Killers and Indian Camp). Other ones that stuck with me include:The Snows of Kilimanjaro (masterpiece!) and A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.

What about the rest? are his other novels any good?

I enjoyed 'To Have and Have Not' about a boat skipper running contraband between the Florida Keys and Cuba. It's quite a short novel too.
I read The Old Man and The Sea many years ago. I remember that I liked it, but, I was younger. I need to re-read this. Thanks for the reminded!

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