I have not and never will watch Brokeback Mountain because I absolutely cannot fucking stand Ang Lee and his precious, precious cinematic "insights" into the fragile human heart and it's yearning desires and blah, blah, blah. I think he absolutely sucks at what he does. The Ice Storm was just a flat and miserable piece of film-making and Crouching Donkey Hidden Penguin was a joke, too. Of course every time I explain this to someone, they say "Oh just go ahead and say it out loud: You don't want to watch a gay storyline and it makes you uncomfortable !" That's not true. Sean Penn's performance in Milk enthralled me and he couldn't keep his tongue out of other men's mouths for more than two scenes in a row, it seemed. Fine - I can roll with that. But what I CAN'T roll with is a bad script. Or an average script with bad directing.
What was this thread about again ? The acid plays tricks on my memory....
What was this thread about again ? The acid plays tricks on my memory....