Usually wrong.
Wow, what a great website. Damn it, I don't have time to read all this incredible stuff. It's terrible. I've been lurking here for a couple days now. Found it by accident, looking for an old Buk poem. I have read the guy since maybe 1964? High School, the L.A. Free Press. Hooked since then. I'm way behind with all this posthumous stuff. I buy the new books as they come out. Have read Bukowski pretty much in chronological order, as the books came out, but, shit, life has caught hold of me good and I'm way behind, about up to 1994, I think. And now all these rare uncollected poems, manuscripts, art work, Jesus. I'll never catch up. Someone has done a fine job here. I may pop in now and then to add my battered and corroded two cents. You guys are hardcore. You know more than I've forgotten. Bless you all. Cheers...
down to one beer a night, I'm an aging dude. Got to take care of my health before it takes care of me.
(West Coast)
down to one beer a night, I'm an aging dude. Got to take care of my health before it takes care of me.
(West Coast)