Postal addresses I'd never seen before (1 Viewer)


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The ones from the 2nd pic are, more or less, common knowledge. But there are two unusual addresses in the first pic:

261 West 16


1237 W. 11th St. Los Angeles, Calif.

These addresses correspond to -some- of the places where B. lived from April 1944 to August 1960. If this is correct, it means that B. was in NYC sometime in 1944, or even later.




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It looks like 1237 W. 11th St. was right before Westmoreland, since it is crossed out and Westmoreland was written in. But the Chelsea address (261 W 16th) is definitely a new one.

He claimed to live in the village in NYC for a very brief time (Chelsea is north of the village, strictly speaking, but it's close enough), so that's a good one to have verification for (it seems that whatever was there is gone - W 16th goes from 253 to 269. But it looks like the relatively newer building at 269 could have replaced a couple of older buildings).

That also corresponds with part of his traveling story, since he said he was in NYC when Aftermath came out (which would have been very early 1944), and we know that he was picked up by the FBI in Philadelphia in July of 44.

1237 W. 11th in Los Angeles is a freeway underpass now, but you can still see a very Bukowskian apartment building across the street.
I don't have any specific dates for these addresses. He submitted to the same magazine from different places, and the mag kept track of all those addresses from 1944 to 1960. I think -but there's no way to know this- that the NYC address is from early 1944. Didn't he say that he left NYC and shortly after that, when he was in St. Louis, he saw a copy of the Story magazine issue with his story in it?

And I thought the other address, 1237 W. 11th St., was a new one as well. I couldn't find it in the timeline...
Didn't he say that [...] he was in St. Louis, he saw a copy of the Story magazine issue with his story in it?
He said NYC too, in a typical blurring of the facts. But St. Louis doesn't make as much sense as NYC geographically. If he was in St. Louis it would have been before or after being arrested in Philadelphia, and that doesn't match up with the time that Story would have been on the shelf or the newsstand.

And I thought the other address, 1237 W. 11th St., was a new one as well. I couldn't find it in the timeline...
It is new. It looked to me like Westmoreland was written above the typed 11th st. address, replacing it. But if Westmoreland and 11th st. are not part of the same address (hard to tell from that scan), then who knows when it could have been. I'll keep it just before Westmoreland in the timeline for now I guess. It makes sense in the scheme of things, and in his other known addresses.
I found this while looking-on google maps

Quest Diagnostics: Manhattan"Ž -
269 West 16th Street, New York, NY, United States"Ž -
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