The new photo on the homepage.. (1 Viewer)

It's very interesting. Any background on that photo? B. looks very thin and quite old. Was this taken during one of his bouts with ill health? I dig the bathrobe.
I'll probably be in the minority, but that pic is awful. It's as if I'm looking into a mirror (I just got up).

There has to be a better pic somewhere!
I don't like the pic because it makes me think of his life near the end. Bed-ridden and suffering from cancer. Maybe that's just me...
I like the new photo. He's got that wild Einstein hair thing going on. It's the opposite of iconic. He looks so damned real.
He's got that wild Einstein hair thing going on. It's the opposite of iconic.

hehe - Einstein Does look iconic on HIS pics with that hair ! (and he looked so uninteresting, when he did his greatest work in 1905 and 1916).
But sure you're right in Buk's case.
I still think, Johannes got the point even better on 05-14-2006 when stating, Buk looks like SCHOPENHAUER in this pic.

What I miss most about the new homepage is the introduction.
It said everything and was ironic too.
A pleasure to read. And useful for newbies.

the pic you suggest was taken by Montfort in Germany 1978 in b/w. the colour on the flowers was done by me - so, thanks! i feel proud you seem to like my colourdo.
the pic you suggest was taken by Montfort in Germany 1978 in b/w. the colour on the flowers was done by me - so, thanks! i feel proud you seem to like my colourdo.

Outstanding work ! I saw it on Google images and used it as my Desktop Background for quite a while. Everyone who has seen it asks about it and now I will know who to credit. Thanks.
I have to admit - I have come around.

I finally see the "Grandpa Buk" quality to this photo every time I log in. It no longer saddens me or makes me think of death. I like it.

He was just another old bloke in a bathrobe, half-drunk and half-miracle like my own grandfather was. And many others.
Heft, Georgia And Pam

It's much better than the cover snap of PLEASURES OF THE DAMNED. Ecco has him looking like a poor man's Bogart, wearing a thrift-store jacket and smoking a cheap Indian clove cigarette.

The front cover blurb by TIME uses the wrong article. Buk was not "a" chronicler of American low life, he was "the" chronicler.

The back cover has 5 blurbs. I've never seen a BS book with blurbs from other authors. What is this -"I'll praise you and you'll praise me"?

The Genet blurb is an outright fabrication. When and where did Genet state this?

Joyce Carol Oates has something to say about Buk? Since when?

Is she on the Harper Collins roster?

As for the book itself it has great heft. It's a real door stop if you ever need one. It was nice to see THE BLUEBIRD and TALKING TO MY MAILBOX at the end. I've got the BROADSIDES. Have they ever been collected before?

Lots of great old poems, not that I'm so into his poems.

THE PRICE is worth the price (ha ha, a pun) of the book alone. He writes about Georgia and Pam, of whom we know something of already. Georgia of the ICONIC pic and Pam of the Chelsea, who comes to this site. He slanders them as hookers. Well, Georgia is definitely put down as a hooker but it's a bit more ambiguous with Pam, as if Buk wasn't realy sure himself. She must have had some hold on him. You go girl!

(Mere moments later)

Well fuck me! There's an alpahbetical index at the end that tells us where the poems come from and all three above have been previously published.

And finally the Leonard Cohen quote is just the sort of out-of-left-field bullshit that this guy has been vomiting out since his Westmount schoolboy days.

"...even the angels." Oh, my, such deep mystical symbolic resonance when we use the word "angel".

Leonard Cohen, a trust fund baby who has never had to work a day in his life - commenting on OUR MAN BUK?


Enough rambling. More TOKAJI!
Leonard Cohen never did shit for me either. Or probaly anyone in my generation except for Sheryl Crow - and God help my generation if Sheryl Crow turns out to be our spokesperson.

But never fear. Although your post covers a few topics that I am unaware of, I am equally sure that you currently have a right to express those opinions in America (but you should probably check back with the Bush administration every so often).


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