"dogshit" Defined
You bring up a few items in your indignant rant, and I?d like to address them individually (if I may).
dave11 said:
"We" haven't defined dogshit yet either. What sort of definition would you like? Let's see: sociopathic murderous sadists, fanatically adhering to bizarre dogma, goosestepping around in freakish uniforms to a tune called by a mega-serial killer with a penchant for grandiose architecture.
Really the whole notion of defining that sort of thing is ludicrous to me. I don't go around with a chip on my shoulder about the past, I'm just aware of who my enemies are.
Here, you are questioning Jimmy Snerp's request for a clarification of terms, which is a quite reasonable request on her part. I would have to say that all she might be pointing out is that many Germans that joined the party early on, did so because of the deplorable state the German economy was in during the post WWI era, not because of a liking for their racist policies and ideology. By the time they were collectively under the stranglehold of murderous dogs, it was too late to put the genie back in the bottle and they sailed into hell with everyone else. Are you advocating hating all Germans forever because of this misstep (as big as it was)?
dave11 said:
Was bukowski a nazi...frankly I doubt it...was he a jew hater...probably...
If you have some evidence for this statement, please enlighten us. I have looked with a critical eye at most of his writings and cannot find said evidence (and, like hank solo, find Ben Pleasant?s account to be less than convincing?filled as it is with innuendo and conjecture; but, next time I see his daughter?s mother, FrancEyE, I?ll ask her what her thoughts are on the matter). My hunting for his true sentiments include searching his personal correspondence where he made most of his inner, private feelings quite plain. So you must have done better scholarship than I, and I?m most intrigued to hear your sources for the accusations.
dave11 said:
and to site an example of bukowski saying that if he needs to hurt someone legally he'll get his jewish mouthpiece, to use that as an example of a "pro-jewish" remark, shows your utter ignorance of the way its used.
I want some watermelon, i think i'll call some nigger. I want to do something legally repugnant, kikes are great with money, those nickle noses, i'll get my jew kike lawyer.
But this is "industrial prejudice"..common stuff...old school, archie bunker stereotypes.
You?re playing a little fast and loose with the personal and racial epithets here, but I must call you on your deplorable, unskilled and naive attempt at logic. I have no idea what you do for a living; I just hope it has nothing to do with computers, mathematics or the legal profession?you do show a unschooled command of what one might call the ?parallel metaphor.? Like many who argue for a living on TV, you commit the fallacy of the rampant ?non sequitur.? To use a proper example of African-Americans as a parallel; you might employ a comparison of winning a basketball game with a superior player of such exhibited skills (not your ?watermelon? remark). And, as such, anyone who doesn?t have their head up their ass, must agree that, given the socio-economic, educational and cultural construction of the U. S. Of A., there is a certain domination in certain professions that lend themselves to a given ethnic preponderance. So, please, as a part-Jew (to be dealt with later), Nordic logician who is in the computer business, you hurt my stereotypical logistical mind by falling so short of the mark (and I would expect more or better from a fellow Jew).
dave11 said:
Since most of bukowskis crap was published by firms that have "kikes" as ceos, and that may well mean a lot of legal work done for him, maybe even keeping his delirious sloppy ass out of jail, may well have been done by "kikes" he can go around saying whatever he wants, and when sued for liable or slander, can go find a "Jew lawyer" to straighten out the situation.
See the above; I think this has been dispelled and disbursed there, quite effectively. You are the one, I might add, that is throwing around the racial slurs; and I, for one, am quite offended by the gross insensitivity of your remarks and absurdity. Please don?t piss me off; you wouldn?t like the consequences (as the Hulk says).
dave11 said:
and as a corollary...hating jews doesn't mean you can't be good friends with some on an individual basis. It's in the nature of the human race's discomfort with the insane programmed ideas it blindly accepts. And stereotypes are usually accurate in general ways, thats why they are streotypes. If I have a vocabulary of 100 words, am "black", live in a ghetto apartment complex, carry a gun, sell dope, and every sentence out of my mouth is like..."Ahhh beees goin to dee crib .......know wha ahhhh mean? then ahhh be seein mahhh awhnty....mufuhhh.....well there is a way to sterotype this sort of thing...likewisw with certain jews who definately act like "jew lawyers"
people are trained certain ways and then act those ways...ahhh fuck it...
Thank you for making my argument partly for me; albeit in your clumsy, offensive, racist and ineffectual way.
dave11 said:
For the record, being 1/8 a jew or a .001% jew doesn't get it. If your mother isn't a jew, and some people say both parents have to be many generations back, you are not a jew.
You can this shit to the hundreds of thousands that, having up to 1/64 of the blood in their veins, died in Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, etc.; going to the gas chambers right along with those who were 100% bonafide Jews. You may not consider them Jews, but Hitler certainly did. Also, it depends on who your rabbinical authority is. I suppose you don?t consider that Sammy Davis Jr., was a jew, either? I rest my case.
dave11 said:
And you should be happy about that, as we are the most hated people on earth, bar none. After all, I'm told we singlehandedly own every bank, the federal reserve, the treasury, the entire media complex, every apartment and condo onearth etc. and we exist to exploit the non-jew. After all, that's what hitler said so it's gotta be right.
You just can?t get off the stereotyping, can you? Someone would begin to believe you might have a problem here.
dave11 said:
What i like is that the "non jew" whatever the hell that is, that goes around "worshipping " that poor dumb schmuck hanging on a cross..ARE WORSHIPPING A JEW!!!!!!!!!! fuckin morons
Christ, one of the most successful rabbis ever; yes, we agree.
dave11 said:
bukowski was a decent writer, and...his "legend" did for him what Van Gogh's ear did for him...put him on the map.
People admire bukowski, first and foremost, because it's fashionable, or used to be, in the sense that decadence, or what is perceived as such...self destruction, always gets some attention. His litereary gifts, such as they are, come second. If he wasn't a notorius self destructive capering drunk, most of his audience wouldn't have been intrigued enough to check him out. If you want to read a great writer read malcolm lowrey or dostoyevsky...then go back and look at your hero.
Others have answered this most adequately, so I won?t add much; other than to say that: you may read Buk because of fashion, but don?t be such a generalization-ist as to assume everyone arrived here out of a sharing of your concomitant superficial impulses. There are some here who actually are students of the word and literature in these cyber-environs, and have much more understanding of such matters than, it seems, you exhibit. Lowry or Dostoevsky, not withstanding, Buk has a depth of understanding about humanity and a flair for the language that, given sufficient time and contemplation by the academics (many with head presently inserted in posteriors), may well be recognized as the 20th century?s foremost author?boozing and such, forgotten in the mists of time.