What poems scream Bukowski the most? (1 Viewer)

Hi all,
I'm doing a poetry project on Charles Bukowski, and I have to choose 8 poems to formulate my essay around with one focus poem. Although as I'm sure you all know Bukowski has an immense amount of poetry, and I'm having a bit of trouble choosing. What would you guys suggest? I'm looking for poems that speak to his own style, and what sets him apart from other poets. I'm also hoping to find some poetry that really comments on society. Thank you!
Let me help. I note you are having trouble choosing from what you have read- and indeed you have read Bukowski. If you give me 3 poems that you think best represent his style - then i will give you 5.

You are welcome.
Hi Tony!
Thank you this is very helpful! Three poems that I have down so far, that I enjoy and believe represent Bukowski are; Bluebird, The Genius of the Crowd, and The Crunch.
The Crunch or Dinosauria,We would be my focus poem. Both of them are among Bukowski‘s best works, and both of them comment on society. Something for the touts and Another Academy also come to my mind.
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The Crunch or Dinosauria,We would be my focus poem. Both of them are among Bukowski‘s best works, and both of them comment on society. Something for the touts and Another Academy also come to my mind.
Thank you! Definitely knew I was including The Crunch, it was between that and The Genius of The Crowd for my focus. Going to look over Dinosauria,We as it's getting suggested a lot.
It seems like amateur night with your plea to help you with your homework assignment. The problem with people like you is that you'll create a paper at a university that will do damage to the overall Bukowski narrative because you don't have the time or the knowledge to take on something like this.

But some basic advice would be is to don't listen to the Buk freshmen morons who have provided you advice on what poems to pick.

This right here is a basic standard for further discussion:

It seems like amateur night with your plea to help you with your homework assignment.
Hi Babs,
Not a plea, but curiosity. I could go out and choose the first 8 poems written by Bukowski I see and write an even worse piece of work if I wanted to. I simply wanted a direction to look in while doing my own research, especially since I'm more familiar with his novels. The reality is no college student has the time to write the paper I believe you want to see. Even if you think I'm damaging the narrative, Bukowski wouldn't have even been discussed if I haven't had chosen him for my essay and presentation. And reaching out has expanded my knowledge. Hopefully, this inspires my peers to go out and read more by Bukowski, which is my goal overall. Thank you for the poem. Have a pleasant Sunday.
Good luck Cowgirl. Feel free to get onto the forum and ask questions. I think many people, and certainly, me have read just about everything Bukowski has written, and even read and re-read.

I cannot imagine life without his words.
Sorry to pick on you, but there's a long history of students (male and female) showing up here that want their paper written for them. And there are some chimps around here that will "try" to help them do that out of some motivation that was probably captured in "Notes of a Dirty Old Man"...

(To the rest of the forum, it's pretty dead around here, so trying trying to get people talking/fighting again. Stop playing around with your dicks and contribute something of value.)
There is a long history, but to denigrate the couched assistance as the work of freshman (many of whom have participated here very actively for over 10 years) with some sort of ridiculous (not to mention rather impractical) agenda is rather preposterous. The Swan is indeed a great poem, so good on yer for that, but it's no Old Man, Dead in a Room nor The Priest and the Matador. So you want the old model; folks sniping and all that cal. I'm past it. But you've lit a fire of sorts. It has been rather dead around here despite the re-launch.

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