Younger Bukowski vs. Older Bukowski (1 Viewer)

Whether something was published posthumously or not is a non-issue for me and the poems are relatively easy to identify but not always.

That's one huge mistake, believe me... unless you have a very powerful third eye of sorts. All biographers and most critics -including R. Harrison- have drawn conclusions using stories/poems they believed to be from the 80's/90's when they actually were from the 60's and 70's. Hence, their conclusions are bullshit. I think to recall -but I'm not sure- that Jim Harrison tried to prove a point by saying that "sun coming down" [Pleasures of the Damned] was the perfect example of a late poem. But Bukowski wrote it in 1957 or maybe earlier. He talked A LOT about death in the early days, but most people associate the death poems with the late stuff.


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