Should I have written "But he was a bitter and petulant curmudgeon at times, wasn't he?:D "?
My presence and contributions to this website should indicate to all that I am not a detractor of the man. I made the previous comment with my tongue firmly in my cheek.
I don't think the poem itself is cruelly mocking. It seems vintage Bukowski in that it is a highly subjective and possibly distorted view of reality masquerading as his signature 'poetic journalism'.
But I want you to know, HenryChinaski, that I reject your premise - Bukowski made his own luck, worked like a MF to get the word on the page and didn't use excuses such as "some people have got it better than me". He wrote about the disparity between rich and poor many times. He wrote of how the masses lacked souls (rich or poor) and how he dreamed of a life of idle - a rich patron to look after him while he 'pretended to be a writer'. But at the end of the day, he made the choices which governed the direction his life took... we all do.
Apart from your immediate family, just about everything in this life is a matter of choices. It seems to me Bukowski chose to live the life he lived in order to write the way he did. And when bad luck comes along (as it most surely will) you have to be able to make something out of it.
(Let me be clear - I am not talking about the child abuse from his parents. I'm talking about the choices we all make as adults.)
But, if he did, on occasion, rail against 'the more fortunate' I would simply say fuck that and get back to work... so that you can upgrade from the BMW to something better - so you could trade the gold Amex for an onyx one - so you can afford a maid and gardener to help with pruning your fruit trees and cleaning your pool.
The harder one works in life, the luckier one gets.
Don't try.