mjp, Hope there's no problem in posting this transcript. Seasons Greetings to All
All Right, So Camus Had to Give Speeches before the Academies and Get His Ass Killed in a Car-Wreck
met this guy, somewhere, hell his eyes looked like a madman's
or maybe it was only my reflection of...
well, forget it, anyway, he said to me, uh uh you read Camus?
we're both in a very womanless bar looking
for a piece of ass or some way out of the top of the sky...
it wasn't working"”there was just the bartender wondering why he'd
ever gotten into the business
and myself, very discouraged with the fact that I had been translated
into 6 or 7 languages
and I was known more by more skidrow bums than college profs,
and this guy kept going on"”
The Stranger, you know, that depicts out modern society"”
the deadened man"”
couldn't cry at his mother's funeral,
killed an Arab or two without even knowing why"”
he kept on and on
on and on
telling me what a son of a bitch The Strange
was, and I kept thinking, maybe he's right"”
you know, those speeches before the Academies"”
you couldn't tell whether Camus was talla and laughing out of the
side of his mouth or
whether he was
insane. he talked the same as the guy next t me at the bar and we
were only looking for
it was very sad"”
all along The Stranger had been my hero
because I thought he'd seen beyond trying
or caring
because it was such a bore
so senseless"”
that big hole in the ground looking up"”
and I was wrong again:
hell, I was THE STRANGER, and the book hadn't been written the way
it had been meant to
Chicago Review (Univ. of Chicago) 1970
All Right, So Camus Had to Give Speeches before the Academies and Get His Ass Killed in a Car-Wreck
met this guy, somewhere, hell his eyes looked like a madman's
or maybe it was only my reflection of...
well, forget it, anyway, he said to me, uh uh you read Camus?
we're both in a very womanless bar looking
for a piece of ass or some way out of the top of the sky...
it wasn't working"”there was just the bartender wondering why he'd
ever gotten into the business
and myself, very discouraged with the fact that I had been translated
into 6 or 7 languages
and I was known more by more skidrow bums than college profs,
and this guy kept going on"”
The Stranger, you know, that depicts out modern society"”
the deadened man"”
couldn't cry at his mother's funeral,
killed an Arab or two without even knowing why"”
he kept on and on
on and on
telling me what a son of a bitch The Strange
was, and I kept thinking, maybe he's right"”
you know, those speeches before the Academies"”
you couldn't tell whether Camus was talla and laughing out of the
side of his mouth or
whether he was
insane. he talked the same as the guy next t me at the bar and we
were only looking for
it was very sad"”
all along The Stranger had been my hero
because I thought he'd seen beyond trying
or caring
because it was such a bore
so senseless"”
that big hole in the ground looking up"”
and I was wrong again:
hell, I was THE STRANGER, and the book hadn't been written the way
it had been meant to
Chicago Review (Univ. of Chicago) 1970
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