(Yeah, I still - and will always - think they were overdone and poetry doesn't belong inside of art books or book art or whatever you want to call it. At least you can read most of the poems in other, normal books.)
I think I have seen the red inked cover variation on at least one other copy. I might have an image of it around here somewhere (don't hold your breath). Bill may have made a post a while back about those cover variations. There were a few.
The Webb books had so many variations that it seems impossible to keep track of all of them. I suppose when you put the books together by hand over several months, a piece here a piece there, that can happen.
If only you could sit down and read them without tweezers and a surgical mask. ;) (Yeah, I still - and will always - think they were overdone and poetry doesn't belong inside of art books or book art or whatever you want to call it. At least you can read most of the poems in other, normal books.)
everything chance press does will be totally uniform and uninteresting, so there will never be any mystery ever. i suspect bottle of smoke is run with the same military precision.
It wasn't until I put my hands on some degenerate copies of It Catches and At Terror Street that I kind of adopted the attitude toward the Webb books. I can leave the library bound It Catches out on the table, other people can flip through it, lay it upside down on the couch to mark a page, etc. etc., and it doesn't matter. If they did that with my copy of Crucifix I would be worrying about it every second, watching how they turn the pages..."Did he just lick his finger?!"...i do want to pick up crucifix at some point... when i get it, i will probably read a couple poems at a time and then put it back on the shelf, rather than devouring a chunk of 80 pages all at once, like his other books. reading the poems in that format is rewarding in a different way, though.
Then again, I read any book carefully, even beat up worthless paperbacks.
everything chance press does will be totally uniform and uninteresting, so there will never be any mystery ever. i suspect bottle of smoke is run with the same military precision.
... (Yeah, I still - and will always - think they were overdone and poetry doesn't belong inside of art books or book art or whatever you want to call it. At least you can read most of the poems in other, normal books.)
...It's my cross to bear.