Here's what's left of the list.
Bukowski, Charles. BEERSPIT NIGHT AND CURSING (Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 2001) first edition, #489/500 copies, serigraph print bound in. Fine. $50
Bukowski, Charles. Dangling in the Tournefortia (Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1981) first edition, hardcover, #178/350, signed. Fine (Krumhansl #71c). $250
Bukowski, Charles. Factotum (London: W.H. Allen, 1981) first British edition, hardcover. Fine. $40
Bukowski, Charles. Going Modern (Fremont, CA: Ruddy Duck Press, 1984) first edition, stapled wrappers, 1/500 unnumbered, comprises Vol.3, No.2, a special chapbook issue of ORO MADRE magazine, Bukowski poems: ENDURANCE"”THE OLD HELPING THE OLD"”SEE:ENDING"”THE IMPROBABLE PROBABILITY"”GARBAGE"”GOING MODERN. Fine (Krumhansl #92). $20
Bukowski, Charles. Horsemeat (Santa Barbara: Black Sparrow Press, 1982) first edition, hardcover, #60/125, signed by Bukowski and Michael Montfort, 20 original photographs hand-mounted throughout and one on front cover. Fine (Krumhansl #76). $1600
Bukowski, Charles. Horsemeat (Muich: Albrecht Knaus 1987) first edition thus, hardcover, German-language edition. Fine (see Krumhansl #76). $50
Bukowski, Charles. Hot Water Music (Tokyo: Shinjuku Shobo Co., 1993) first Japanese-language edition, hardcover. Fine. $35
Bukowski, Charles, and Linda King. Me and Your Sometimes Love Poems (Phoenix: Purring Press, 1999) third edition, stapled wrappers, #56/100, signed and dated by Linda King. Fine (see Krumhansl #42). $50
Bukowski, Charles. Poems Written Before Jumping Out of an 8 Story Window (Salt Lake City: Litmus, 1968) 3rd printing, paperback. Very Good (see Krumhansl #28). $150
Bukowski, Charles. Pulp (Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1994) first edition, hardcover, #178/300, signed, serigraph print bound in, contains original BSP invoice. Fine (Krumhansl #139c) $250
Bukowski, Charles. Screams from the Balcony: Selected Letters 1960-1970 (Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1993) first edition, hardcover, 1/735, Fine (Krumhansl #137b). $60
Bukowski, Charles. Septuagenarian Stew: Stories & Poems (Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1990) first edition, hardcover, #181/225, signed, signed silkscreen print bound in. Fine (Krumhansl #114d) $350
Bukowski, Charles. Three by Bukowski (Santa Rosa: Black Sparrow Press, 1992) first edition, hardcover, trade issue 1/103. Fine (Krumhansl #131b) $150
Bukowski, Charles. Women (Tokyo: 1992) first Japanese-language edition, hardcover, two volumes. Fine. $40