There's more than one. She had it cast and had maybe a dozen (anyone who knows the exact number feel free to correct me) made. They sell for about five grand.
This Is An Amazing Idea!
Keep an eye on eBay. I think you can pick up a copy of Crucifix for $250 as long as you are willing to accept a small flaw, missing band, etc. I know it has sold in that ballpark in the last year...i just want a copy of 'crucifix' for less than $250,which is the lowest abebooks has to offer.anyone anyone
I don't know much (err, anything) about casting bronze, but just in typical art numbering schemes, if the casting was not limited, she could produce as many as she would like.I know two people that have one. I seem to remember hearing that 20 was the edition, but that they were not numbered and could be recast at any time. Someone else, say, someone whose girlfriend is an artist or something may know better than I.
A friend of mine has a Buddy Jesus action figure. I think he's standing on a platform with little plastic wheels (like the old McDonalds toys, but without the mechanism to make him really move).
I have a Jesus action figure but it's not the 'Buddy', he came with a plastic bowel of loaves and fishes!
I have a Jesus action figure but it's not the 'Buddy', he came with a plastic bowel of loaves and fishes!
that's gross! :D ohh, you meant bowl...;)