thanks for the insult chronic. seeing that you're a kiss ass, i'll just say, if i cared what others thought of me, wow ... i'd probably be the kiss ass that you are. no thank you. i'm happy being the mad woman that i am. i have no humility and i'm not going to start now. too late for me. i'm nice if you don't provoke me, subtly or otherwise. hank solo would not appreciate me doing the same to him if he were in my place. unless i was abusing someone with the mass posting or quotes, [which was the original idea in the first place my gosh!]. there was no need for hank to say what he said in my view. and if he had sent it in a private message, maybe, just maybe i would have been just as 'nice' in my private reply back. and not post anymore quotes. i'm done with this. what is this?