Hello, I am new. Here is how I got here. Sometime back in the 80s, I saw a documentary about Andy Warhol. I really don't remember ANYTHING about the movie, except this part with Mr. Bukowski talking about how after he wrote something, he didn't spend a lot of time looking at it or patting himself on the back about it. He said he thought of it like a beershit. You do it, then you flush it down the toilet and foreget about it. So then years went by, now I own a video store, and we got the new Bukowski documentary. I watched it and fell in love. At the end, when he reads Bluebird, and he says, "But I don't weep, do you?", I just sat there and stared at the tv for like 5 minutes. I really hate most poetry. This is the first poem, EVER, that has affected me like that. I am 40 years old. I must have rewound it 4 or 5 times. So I ran right out and bought Hot Water Music, which I love, love, loved. Each story is like a little piece of gold. Now I am almost done with Ham on Rye. I scored at the used book store, where I picked up Women, Notes of a Dirty old Man, South of No North, and Ham on Rye. I can't wait to read them! Oh, and you can add me to the list of females who like Bukowski.
That's me.
That's me.