I can't find the original version of this poem in Italian "non ho mai smesso di pensarti" (1 Viewer)

There is a poem in Italian that has been credited to Bukowski but I can't seem to find the original. Can anyone help me? Was it written by him? If so, in which book is it published? Thanks

The english translation begins like this:

I have not stopped thinking about you,
I'd love to tell you.
I would like write to you and say that I would go back,
that I miss you
and I think of you.
But I do not look for you.
I do not write you, even hello.
I do not know how you are.
And I miss knowing it.
You have plans?
Did you smile today?
What did you dream?
do you go out?

----- this is the Italian version that has made its way around the web----

Non ho smesso di pensarti,
vorrei tanto dirtelo.
Vorrei scriverti che mi piacerebbe tornare,
che mi manchi
e che ti penso.
Ma non ti cerco.
Non ti scrivo neppure ciao.
Non so come stai.
E mi manca saperlo.
Hai progetti?
Hai sorriso oggi?
Cos’hai sognato?
Dove vai?
Hai dei sogni?
Hai mangiato?
Mi piacerebbe riuscire a cercarti.
Ma non ne ho la forza.
E neanche tu ne hai.
Ed allora restiamo ad aspettarci invano.
E pensiamoci.
E ricordami.
E ricordati che ti penso,
che non lo sai ma ti vivo ogni giorno,
che scrivo di te.
E ricordati che cercare e pensare son due cose diverse.
Ed io ti penso
ma non ti cerco.
Does not sound like a Bukowski poem to me. Do you have a title, or parts of?

Could be either a really crappy translation, parts of a drunken lovesick letter from Bukowski to somebody or stuff someone made up and attributed it to Bukowski.

"Non Ho Smesso Di Pensarti" is another poem wrongtly attributed to Bukowski. In Italy there's a lot of fake quotes and I always do research to find the source and who really said that things. I've noticed that Tumblr is the principal source for fake quotes. On Instagram everyone use a fake quote of Bukowski as a trademark without considering if it is a Bukowski's quote or not.
I found out who wrote that poem. It is an Italian writer, Erica Ronchi. The title of the poem is the same from the book which comes from. I write to her (I'm so good searching fake quotes that I found her blog on Tumblr "inchiostrosullemaniesullapelle" where she wrote her poem for the first time) and she said me that she even received a menace from a teacher saying that she was stealing the poem from Bukowski. Just to let you know the idea of Bukowski that italians have.

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