Right! You have to take it all literally. You can't pick and choose, because that would be like creating your own version of the bible, and then the fundamentalists would loose the power they have over people.
Yes, you have to be a special breed of thinker to take
literally a man living in the stomach of a fish for three days, people living 900 years, the Earth being only 8000 years old, a boat that could hold the millions of land and air animals that would need to be saved from a 40 day flood that covered the earth, etc
Then you have blaring discrepancies where it says one thing in one place in the bible and one COMPLETELY different thing in another part about the same event and both in the New Testament. Which one is it? Then you have the things that have been proven 100% impossible or wrong scientifically. The mustard seed is not the smallest seed, etc. If god wrote it, you would
think that he knew more than 1st century scribes with their 1st century understanding of science.
Then you have the following scientifically ponderous chain of events:
Day 1: Made Heaven, Then the Earth, then Light, including day and night (he was still a couple days away from making the sun, but, eh...),
Day 2: created heaven (where was he hanging out before that?)
Day 3: Divided the land from the oddly NOT frozen water (without a sun, it would have been very, very cold). made plants (without a sun,
Day 4: FINALLY thought about making the Sun and Moon (which got thought actually
made light, not reflected light...), made the stars, as a another light source for us (no other reason for making hundreds of trillions of stars that give us nearly zero light...,
Day 5: Created animals, sea monsters, every living creature that moves (but not humans...),
Day 6: Oopps, he forgot to make cows and bugs and people. Made cows, bugs and humans, Tells humans that they can eat
all bugs, animals, and plants. They are all fine to be eaten by humans. No mention of the poisonous plants, animals, and insects...
Day 7: Takes a nap.
It is one thing to believe in religion, but to take every word in a book as literal truth requires talking yourself out of your sanity and accepting the ridiculous as true.