Lolita Twist
Eh, "should I buy bread or water" isn't meant to illustrate poverty. Poverty is more like, "should I eat the one day old loaf or the two and save the one day old for desert?". The bread or water is more like being humble. And not that you've contributed to your own humbleness by holding yourself back on purpose, no, just that well, you happened to end up there, and so be it, your work's still good. That's what I'm saying. As long as your work has soul it shouldn't really matter. But to TRY for the gold, then it affects your work.Hmm. Well, your EDIT didn't really make anything clear to me. It still sounds like the status quo. "one mansion or two?" is extreme wealth, but "should I buy bread or water?" sounds like poverty. All I'm saying that doing things or embracing ideas that contribute to your own poverty is shortsighted and idiotic.
Yes he parks the beautiful BMW right in the lot. It is white and a bit dirty at times. I'm sure some kids go out to his farm - he's got facebook and all and adds everyone. And no, he didn't really try for the gold. He's a guy who enjoyed telling stories, and someone liked them, so they got published, and wound up selling well, in different countries too. Yeah it would make a good shitty movie.mjp said:I have to say though, I love the bit about the teacher with the "beautiful" new BMW with the "lavish" farm teaching the poor, deprived city kids. I wonder, does he park his "beautiful" new BMW near the school? Does he bring those kids on probation out to his "lavish" farm on the weekends? Someone call the pope, this guy needs to be made a saint. Get Will Smith on the phone. I think I just found his next shitty movie.
Yeah that's kind of what I'm saying. It's ok if it kind of falls into your lap and you're still honest. It's ok to do if you keep your soul. For example, I think Cadillacs have incredible soul.mjp said:I don't know what he was supposed to illustrate - he seems to represent everything you are saying is vile: the expensive car and property that he purchased with the filthy wages of his sold out soul. What I seem to hear you saying is it's okay to do the things that you find "disgusting" as long as you're, you know, cool, and still down with the little people. Is that right?