Lolita Twist
I went to the track (Saratoga) yesterday for the first time all meet on account of a horrible death in the family (as opposed to a wonderful death? Well I suppose if it was someone you didn't like...)... and I got there to find that mostly everything up there is done by machine betting now, I found one row of actual, human tellers in the clubhouse. ONE. It made me incredibly sad that even the track I've been going to since I was born is now "stepping into the 21st century". I just think it's horrible. What's the use of that? Isn't it just part of track tradition to banter with the tellers, and you'd go to the same one every time and get to know them a little bit, tip them at the end of the day and you go home just a little bit happier. You can't do that with a machine.
I'm really starting to hate modern technology.
I'm really starting to hate modern technology.