I'd say about four hits of window pane, 2/3 of an eight-ball and a bologna sandwich with lime Jell-O. Yep, that's about where he was on that one. Nice job scoring that one, Chronic.
You guys need to keep in mind that clamshells are custom made to fit individual books. They're not one-size-fits-all.
I think that I will look into doing clamshells for the two LouJon books, At Terror, & You Kissed. The thing that I need to do is order some of that cork paper. That would be the only way to do "It Catches" correctly.
I'd say about four hits of window pane, 2/3 of an eight-ball and a bologna sandwich with lime Jell-O. Yep, that's about where he was on that one. Nice job scoring that one, Chronic.
At Terror Street... has an idiosyncrasy for a wrappers edition...
At Terror Street... has an idiosyncrasy for a wrappers edition, that you know, in that the covers extend past the pages edges on the right side of the covers, which separates the very fines from the fines and very goods.
Indeedly-doodly I did. But hardcovers are almost always yapped, right? And wraps are less common?
chronic said:
Just working with the tense given me, you know."Sounds a bit like an ex-wife."
Sure thing. And here's a link to TBCL, they make them for about 100 different titles:
Try here... http://www.bospress.net/clamshells.html (maybe a little later ;))
Shame no Bukowski.
I can't imagine putting a book worth more than five cents into a used meat bag. I think your friend was a liiiittle bit mental. What did he save by using a meat bag? a dime? A quarter? That's the craziest thing I ever heard.Warning: never use a washed out grocery store meat bag.
(snip...) Maybe he also didn't have a dog and didn't understand they will eat anything. (snip....) I felt lousy my dog ate his book....
... p.p.s. I should mention that this does not include the copy of the book, just the clamshell