Wow, what a great site. I can see Bukowski punched a lot of you right in the soul. He was a good duker and a hell of a writer.
Thank you to the creators and maintainers of this cyber wonderland.
I look forward to learning more about this great man though all of you.
Please share with me where I need to start, and where I need to finish.
I have read Ham on Rye and youtubed the shit out of him, but that's all.
Oh, and P.S. I'm broke as a bum, and my library just had Ham on Rye. (yeah I live in a small MN town)
Thanks Again,
Thank you to the creators and maintainers of this cyber wonderland.
I look forward to learning more about this great man though all of you.
Please share with me where I need to start, and where I need to finish.
I have read Ham on Rye and youtubed the shit out of him, but that's all.
Oh, and P.S. I'm broke as a bum, and my library just had Ham on Rye. (yeah I live in a small MN town)
Thanks Again,