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Please use the "buy book" buttons next to books on this site ... or direct your payment to [email protected]
International Rate:
$6.00 per order. Please email [email protected] for more information.
You can just log into your Paypal account, and send money direct to the email shown below. Within the paypal site you will be able to select 'Other goods' or something similar - ie. not an ebay sale. This is how I ordered. Just put the details in manually as you go. Hope this info is also useful:
direct your payment to [email protected]
International Rate:
$6.00 per order. Please email [email protected] for more information.
You can't use the "buy book" button because the pay-pal form is already filled out with 14$ and you can't change the amount to 16$ manually.
You have to create your own pay-pal form and write 16$ plus the mail address.
I had the same problem myself. I used the "buy book" button and used the standard 14$ form, not realizing that with international shipping it's 16$, so later I had to send the last 2$ and write the form myself...
Well alright, i wrote this for both of you :PWell what Bukfan said - thats what I meant lol. :D