Synecdoche, New York (2 Viewers)


Art should be its own hammer.
Reaper Crew
Founding member
is this a good movie? not sure, but I loved it. and my understudy and her understudy loved it also.

Well, the ingredients look good, Kaufman, Hoffman and Morton. The story line sounds very much like Kaufman's usual territory, blurring realities ('Adaptation' etc).

Thanks for the tip, I hadn't heard of this before.
i didn't like it at all... there were some great elements, but it just ended up being too self-indulgent for my tastes.
this sounded like it had all the right ingredients, and i loved Adaptation, but... man, it was so boring! about halfway through i just couldn't keep focused and started working on books instead.
please note: the Chance Press edition of Stephen Hines' movie reviews has been postponed by the editors until further notice.

thank you.

p.s. you people is crazy.
i could see this being something i may enjoy more on a second viewing, in a few years' time. but i really just didn't 'get it'.
it's one of those films, really. it either works for you or doesn't. if you look at the reviews, people are split between 'pretentious crap' and 'brilliant'. there's no real middle ground.
I think Kauffman is terrific and I adore Samantha Morton, so I'm willing to try again some time in the future. Because those two couldn't swing and miss this badly, could they ? For now, I'm just mystified...
This movie is good. It is too complicated and very far fetched, but that seems to be the whole idea. It made me think about how you can over think or overwork something.
There were characters that I despised and almost hated as well as I felt sorry for Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character. So that is why it was good. It made me have a feeling about what was going on with the characters, although it went on and on and was somewhat complicated (just like life). It had that dream like quality to it, you know, like a nightmare. So it was painful to watch the whole thing kind of like my life so I could relate to it on that basis. This is a backhanded approval of the movie.

I don't know how I missed this thread, maybe because the name of the movie was so weird I couldn't remember it and only by reading this thread it came back to me. My wife didn't like this movie, that may be one of the things I love about her.
Hey #6horse, who is Kauffman?
Saw this last night and I found it downright soporific. Acting is good and I'm sure the script looks good on paper, but it does not work (for me) on the screen. The attempts at humor seem like poor, trite Woody Allen jokes.

It has all the ingredients to be a great movie, but I feel the magic or the spark is simply not there.
Charlie Kaufman, who wrote and directed this one. He also wrote the screenplays for "Adaptation", "Being John Malkovich" and "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind".
Saw this last night and I found it downright soporific. Acting is good and I'm sure the script looks good on paper, but it does not work (for me) on the screen. The attempts at humor seem like poor, trite Woody Allen jokes.

It has all the ingredients to be a great movie, but I feel the magic or the spark is simply not there.

Main Entry: 1sop·o·rif·ic
Pronunciation: \-ˈri-fik\
Function: adjective
Etymology: probably from French soporifique, from Latin sopor deep sleep; akin to Latin somnus sleep "” more at somnolent
Date: 1665
1 a : causing or tending to cause sleep <soporific drugs> b : tending to dull awareness or alertness
2 : of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy

Yeah, it was that too.;)
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The topic of this movie came up last week while drinking with a bunch of songwriter friends of mine. All of us hated it and none of us understood it. Basically, it was a case of "Kaufman....PS Hoffman....Morton...what the hell went WRONG ?!?!"

But a friend of all of ours, who wasn't there that night, swears by this film. Apparently, she sent a lengthy e-mail to one of us explaining why most people don't get it. With her permission, I'll post it here and we'll see if anybody is enlightened.

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