I was thinking about this question the other day...
In 'The captain is out for lunch' he clearly enjoyed the pragmatism of using a computer. On paper he seems like the kind of guy who might be against change, but he was a very realistic and yeah practical guy in a lot of ways.
I was interested in reading so many fans on this forum saying they were against online publication and only cared about the print press (probably influenced by Bukowski)....
but uh
Bukowski was a man of his time! He used the little magazines because they were the most effective way (and only way) to get his marginal voice out there.
I have problems with networking and all that and it's hard to imagine Bukowski integrating himself into twitter or blogging but if one were to take his ethos and transplant it into the modern time I think that would involve using all means possible to get your writing heard.
But I've noticed his fans romanticise this world weary downtrodden writer thing probably imagining themselves a kind of modern day Bukowski like figure without seeing the world has changed and there aren't writer celebrities anymore and maybe never will be unless they end up writing for TV.
I think I'm attacking myself here too because I have been obsessed with publication in newspaper/magazines but that isn't what's important culturally now!
In 'The captain is out for lunch' he clearly enjoyed the pragmatism of using a computer. On paper he seems like the kind of guy who might be against change, but he was a very realistic and yeah practical guy in a lot of ways.
I was interested in reading so many fans on this forum saying they were against online publication and only cared about the print press (probably influenced by Bukowski)....
but uh
Bukowski was a man of his time! He used the little magazines because they were the most effective way (and only way) to get his marginal voice out there.
I have problems with networking and all that and it's hard to imagine Bukowski integrating himself into twitter or blogging but if one were to take his ethos and transplant it into the modern time I think that would involve using all means possible to get your writing heard.
But I've noticed his fans romanticise this world weary downtrodden writer thing probably imagining themselves a kind of modern day Bukowski like figure without seeing the world has changed and there aren't writer celebrities anymore and maybe never will be unless they end up writing for TV.
I think I'm attacking myself here too because I have been obsessed with publication in newspaper/magazines but that isn't what's important culturally now!