Black Swan
Abord the Yorikke!
Nice mug! - I think the drawing is made from a photo in The Outsider...
Btw, We could make our own official Buknet mug!
Bill Sikes is the man...
Nice mug! - I think the drawing is made from a photo in The Outsider...
Btw, We could make our own official Buknet mug!
Buk as an action man?
That's more like it, Roni! :Dthere you go:
Would you mind me asking how you established a relationship with Linda to be able to receive such awesome goodies? I'm terrible with the search that's my strangest buk pieces i suppose...and favorite!
James, I've always meant to mention something about your cache there. If I were you, I would remove that envelope from the frame with the shirt. The envelope is likely made from an acidic (cheap) paper, and over the years that acid will start to break down the paper and may stain or discolor the shirt.i had posted these in the "best gift ever" thread but it seems fitting for this thread as well....
linda sent these items to me:
James, I've always meant to mention something about your cache there. If I were you, I would remove that envelope from the frame with the shirt. The envelope is likely made from an acidic (cheap) paper, and over the years that acid will start to break down the paper and may stain or discolor the shirt.
Unless you've rigged up some kind of acid-free barrier between the envelope and the shirt, in which case, forget I said anything.
'Can you *click* Bobby?'
Better safe than sorry. It would suck to take it out in 10 years (when you give it to me ;)) and have a big spot on the shirt.nope, no acid-free barrier. thanks for the heads up. i've never really thought about that happening. maybe i'll frame the envelope under the shirt...
It will discolor eventually. The paper won't break down - well, not during our lifetime anyway - but it will brown. You can see it in old envelopes and paper.If the envelope is likely to break down over time, then it might be a good idea to scan it. That way you can at least preserve a copy in the long run...
That, or the guy he accidentally fucked in the butt. :DI still think Bukowski's strangest Buk piece was the 300 lbs. whore.
No, I don't think it's all that important, and I don't think he was gay. But I also don't think you accidentally fuck a dude in the ass either. But he would try anything once. Or so I just read somewhere.Ha-ha! Once again we're back to the "important" question of whether or not Buk was gay...:D
But I also don't think you accidentally fuck a dude in the ass either.
Okay, I give up. I'm looking for a thread that was a lot like this one. I've been away from my computer for two weeks. Before I left, I posted about having a fax that Buk sent to a book dealer, as an example of a strange item. While I was gone (trip to NY & Boston) Bill posted asking if I would post a scan of that fax. I saw that in my email, but I can't find the thread again. So... I'll post the scan as soon as I get settled and find the thread again. Am I remembering this wrong? (always a danger of that). I searched for "fax". Also I mentioned a book of matches from Buk's wedding. Searched for "match" and didn't find it either. Maybe that subthread developed into an ugly flamewar and had to be deleted? Or am I just delusional?