New Bukowski exhibition at the Huntington in LA (1 Viewer)

Great article. Funny that a buk hater had to post about how he was an elitist.

Also, the first sentence contains one error. The Huntington has TWO Gutenberg Bibles. One on paper and one on vellum.
Thanks, Hirst, for the find & post!

Btw, it seems to me, I'll be on stage that night, Oct 27.
Just for a very short time that is, of course.
someone in LA reporting on the Bukowski POET ON THE EDGE Exhibt @ the Huntington's a most dignified exhibit, designed gently by bright museum curators w/Linda Bukowski's total approval--a paper plethora homage to Bukowski's indefatigable (even when dying) prolificity, a contemporary literary banquet showing off the BEST of Bukowski's eloquent side, the Later Bukowski, happliy, sanely married and living the Good Life in a hilltop home, his many books highlighted beneath museum quality bullet-proof glass: The Outsider, a prominent kick-off..i was there Oct 27, coincidentally viewing alongside Linda Bukowski, Marina Bukowski Zavalas and her son, Buk's grandson Nikhil Henry Bukowski Sahoo..when i trotted over to a museum guard to ask if i cd take photos, 2 other guards quickly appeared to substantiate 1st guard's resonant Buk book that caught my eye: the Spanish translation of WOMEN: Los Mujeres..a few Buk letters, paintings, cartoons inserted here and there..a huge god-lives-here blowup of Montfort's Buk Hugging His Typer filled the room--the same image that adorns the home page..tho Being There was the main thrill of this grand literary cause celebre, i cdn't shake the letdown of its overall conservative, clean-shaven, sober depiction of the extraordinary Bukowski i knew, talked to and loved..not that empty beercans, wine bottles or any madness or weird ejaculations were needed--after all, baby, be sure: THIS was the elegant, swellegant Huntington Library and Buk, dead or alive, whether wearing a torn t-shirt or his best, spiffy clothes proves that his specific genius belongs there amongst the genteel lit guys .. but maybe just ONE little scream from the balcony?
I was passed out on the balcony.

It was nice meeting Joan Jobe Smith, there's something about a 'Go Go' dancer that is just so pleasant. One of my highlights of that night.
I went this past Thursday. It's funny, my mom thinks that it's my adoration of Buk, that sent me into some wild life starting back in 1991. She really thinks I was quite a nice guy before then. But anyway she accomponied me to the exhibit and absolutely loved it. She fell in love with "A Love Poem to Marina" and found the same appreciation most people do the first time they read "Bluebird." I thought the exhbit was really well done. I wish there would have been more art to see, but what they had was still good enough, and deserves a visit from a new Buk fan to the old veterans. The security was tight! I've been to the huntington before and don't remember so many security guards hassaling everyone about the pictures. I must admit, I was nearly thrown out of the Sistine Chapel in Italy for sneaking a few pictures, BUT the security on Thursday at the Buk exhibit seemed to be tighter than even the Sistine Chapel. I still snuck a few in. Anyway, if you're going, try and go during the week, since it's 15 bucks a person, while on the weekends it's 20 bucks each.

I also bought the short sleeve t-shirt available, I love the design. Also picked up the lil' journal notebooks, I wanted them to be bigger. But anyway, when do you really get the chance to licensed Buk merchandise. Oh I also got the greeting card, which framed, looks pretty cool.

This is outside the front entrance. Pretty cool to see Buk in such a large display in a public space like this.
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Here's one of the pics I snuck in, mom checking out the goods.
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This is the display just outside the building where the exhibit is located.
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And lastly, the $5.00 gretting card in a .99 cent frame. Still looks good to me!
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When all is said and done, if you get the chance, go check it out!!!!


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[...] The security was tight! I've been to the huntington before and don't remember so many security guards hassaling everyone about the pictures. [...] the security on Thursday at the Buk exhibit seemed to be tighter than even the Sistine Chapel. [...]

does this go to show the importance of our author or the criminal impact of his admirers?

Anyway - thanks for sharing, nervas!

I still hope for 'official' pictures from that exhibit. If they do occure anywhere, they'll be here first, I guess.
does this go to show the importance of our author or the criminal impact of his admirers?

Ha! It's gotta be a bit of both.

Thanks for this great report nervas. We shall certainly go during the week. mjp will have to play hooky some time soon here.
Forgive me, but it's the little things that excite me! So I really wanted to buy the bookmarker at the exhibit, till I actually held it in my hands. It's one of those clip-like bookmarkers(I'm sure someone knows the name?) but anyway, not my cup of tea. So last night, I took one of the brochures from the exhibit and made my very own Bukowski bookmarker! Ha, Ha, just thought I'd share, I think it's a real attention grabber!:tomcruise:

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you got it dude!

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and here's the book marker clip I was talking about
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Nice items, Nervas! I see you have a bunch of Crumb trading cards too. That's cool.
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:) I think the photo was taken in the gift shop Bukfan.
Yup, you got it hank solo. I wish that collection behind me was part of my own. I was taking some pictures to post on here, and show a couple of friends that were semi-interested in going. The section in the book shop is a little corner, but it certainly looks nice, to see that much Buk and Buk related stuff for sale.
I didn't know that Americans call it a "bookmarker" but Canadians and Brits call it a "bookmark". You learn something every day.

Agree with you Nervas that the metal clip bookmarks are not really much good. Too fussy.

Oh and thanks for the review Joan. Hard to imagine the truth of Bukowski meshing fully with the rigors of the Huntingdon. But history tends towards the tidy.
Hahahha, sorry, my fault, I sent the thread astray with my bookmarker comment. And I always thought calling toast, toast bread, was the worst of my faults.
Nervas - From bookmarker and toast bread you just don't sound well. Are you OK ? Or do you have a case of the sugar diabetes ?
The only time I've heard bookmarker is in this thread. I think most of us say bookmark.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up. I'd never heard bookmarker before but figured it was an American thing or maybe a California thing. I guess it was just a nervas thing. No matter you call them, they are still cool.
Does anyone remember this exhibition on a smaller scale in London? It was near st martin in the fields. LA been a bit slow, the London exhibit was about 16 years ago. It was both touching and inspiring to see his typer, his radio, desk, chair, some of his clothes including a battered pair of shoes and patched up spectacles. All these ordinary looking things from a life less ordinary. Anyone else remember it? They were selling badges and bookmarks with "I'm lying, but believe me its the truth",and "nobody looks ugly after 3am" on them...
Wow thanks for that link. I know the new exhibition is bigger than the one I went too. Just glad to have seen it as I won't get to the new one...

God looking at those images takes me right back "I was once unbelievably young"
Thank you

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