it's funny, there was one talking head that was pretty insightful and knowledgeable in the first bit, but in the second bit he got on my nerves.
Let me guess, the guy who said "No one listens to
Lovesexy," and "Thank god for Batman."
It was interesting to see Dez talking about the records that came out after he was discarded. He's a cool customer. He told me a story about the guitar solo on
Little Red Corvette, how it happened that he played on that (it was the first time anyone but Prince played on one of the records). Prince was working in the studio by himself, like he always did, and he called Dez at 2 a.m. and told him to come down because he "needed him to play" on the track. Dez said okay, and then before he could hang up, Prince said, "Hey, on your way over, stop at Rudolph's and pick up some ribs, will you?" So Dez always said the only reason he plays the solo on
Corvette is because Prince was hungry and didn't want to leave the studio to eat. Half the musicians in Minneapolis had a funny story like that about him. Or maybe it's not so funny if you're the rib courier, but, you know, in retrospect maybe. ;)
Prince and Bukowski - two guys who went through hyper-creative periods (lasting a decade or more) where they produced more work than the market could accommodate, or their fans could absorb.