my new year's eve has involved all but one of these (the oban has stayed corked all night)...
- the talisker distiller's edition is my favorite of the bunch.
- i have given laphroaig many tries (including tonight), and i just don't like it. i guess i'm supposed to, but the smoke plus the sweet/sour undertones are just unpleasant. maybe i'd enjoy the 18, but i don't want to shell out $100 for a bottle to find out.
- the balvenie 15 is incredibly smooth, and i love it. i'm contemplating spending my xmas bonus on a bottle of the "tun 1401" release that is gettin rave reviews. i could buy a signed bukowski book for that money, though.
- i got the caol ila distiller's edition today and it's growing on me. it starts with no smoke whatsoever, and by the time you swallow it, that's all you taste. it's pretty remarkable.
- the macallan 18 mini was a good find, but this shit is just plain ovepriced. $175 a bottle? please.
- the highland park 18 is really nice - i'll probably pick up a bottle at some point. my only beef with it is that it is so balanced that it doesn't grab me at all. it's "nice" without being "fantastic."
- the oban tastes muted to me. it almost tastes like someone else watered it down before serving it to me. i wish they made a cask strength version or something.
- talisker 18 is awesome. great peppery finish. i happen to prefer the slightly sweeter finish of the distiller's edition, but i'm sure i'll buy another bottle of this after i finish it.
okay, enough is enough. happy new year to scotch! happy new year to!