Buk Trivia... Answerer becomes next Questioner (1 Viewer)

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Was it Carl Weissner's mag "Klactoveedsedsteen" ?
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almost but not quite. Klacto was pub. in September '67 and there was this other mag which published B in July '66...
Vagabond? I know that John Bennett published this out of Germany for a while.... Maybe he was publishing Vagabond in the US in '66. Not sure...

almost there. In fact, I just learned that Vagabond was first published in Munich during the '66 summer, but no specific date is mentioned. The other mag I was thinking of was definitely published in July '66.

Another hint: the mag. was published in Belgium.
Labris #4/5.

Hmmm... thinking time...
G. Gordon Liddy?
Oprah Winfrey?
Santa Claus?

Who cares.

Only a teenager or a jerkoff would consider pissing on someone's grave, and only a tremendously worthless piece of shit would brag about it.

I think Buk would have gotten a kick out of it -- like it is not that serious and I am sure he pissed a few placed that were not proper -- in fact maybe we should all take a piss for Buk.
Labris #4/5.

Hmmm... thinking time...

Ok, nearly forgot to do this.

Er, here's an easy one.

Where did the Bukowski family stay on their arrival in the US before moving to L.A.?
Nope, that's not the answer I'm after.
Pretty warm tho.
OK. This is a REALLY easy one. What was the name of the ship that the Bukowski's took over from Germany in 1922 (was that the year, or was it 1923?)

It was in 1923, April 18, on the SS President Fillmore (Bremerhaven to Baltimore). - Right?
Thanks to Miles Buk bio;)

Ok, next question:

What was the name of Buk?s childhood/teenage friend who introduced him to drinking?
...and if that is right (and I think it is)...

In 1966 Border Press announced a forthcoming publication, a book of poetry by one Charles Bukowski.
It never appeared.
What was the title of that book going to be?
ok, an easy one -they're all easy, aren't they :D

what's the title of the Norse/Bukowski volume of letters (unpublished as of yet)?
my turn my tur my turn my turn my turn!!!

I guess most of you know that BUK was a big fan of the Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun. There is also another Norwegian writer mentioned in BUK?s work.
a) Name of writer?
b) Line that BUK quotes him on?
c) Name of the Book where this line is taken from?

?bonus Q
d) The last words of this famous writer?
a) Henrik Ibsen
b) "the strongest men are the most alone". Actually "The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone."
c) 'An Enemy of the People.'
d) One day, he heard his nurse remark to a visitor that he was feeling better. "On the contrary," cut in Ibsen just before he died.
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