New Trivia Thread - First with the correct answer asks the next question. (3 Viewers)

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My bad ..... See I told you .."No good with the trivia."

Alright Roni the Gilbert and Sullivan, bonus question was correct. But I should have specified that I was looking for the name of his Real Life City College English teacher, not the name he used for him in Ham on Rye.

So question to the panel....:confused:
Does he get the win,
Or should I hold out for the real life English Teacher?
maybe this helps the decision:

She (the waitress) trundled over.

But since I'm shy of a good question, maybe we'd wait for someone to come up with the teacher, so he (or she) would have to make up a new question.
Trundled, is a GREAT word!

No, I don't have the answer to this question, I just really like that word! I'll move on over to the 'pothead' thread now. Thanks. See-ya'. Bye.:)
i don't know i can't find it where are we where's chronic at?;)

(somewhere in the all things not Bukowski thread would be my best guess)CRB:)
maybe this helps the decision:

She (the waitress) trundled over.

But since I'm shy of a good question, maybe we'd wait for someone to come up with the teacher, so he (or she) would have to make up a new question.

You got it Roni.

I liked that word trundled too.
(Betting on the Muse, The Suicide, pg300)

This was a multiple choice and you got the first question right and of course the bonus question as well.
I guess the hint for the 2nd question would lie somewhere in the Barry Miles, Bukowski Book some where around pg.45

So Roni the ball is in your court.:D
Hi David,

Sorry, you did get that up there at #86.
Mr Hamilton was the correct answer.
Roni got the "She trundled over." answer in post #84.

Oh boy now I've done it.........:confused:
okay, here we go:

Just before Jon Pinchot threatens Firepower with the plan to cut of parts of his body, beginning with the fingers, he makes a short attempt to get his movie back with a less extreme action.

Which action?
Ok at first I was gonna say Hunger Strike, but actually I think it is to have Friedman release the film to Edleman and to keep the money that was coming to Jon.
too KEEP the money??? This would you consider LESS extreme than cutting of a few useless bodyparts???

No, baby, of course the Hunger-Strike was right.

Let's pretend you didn't have second thoughts and Go on with the next question!
Okay I'll pretend:D

Alright here it is:

After corresponding with John William Corrington for several years they finally met at who's home?
Okay, what brand of refrigerator is on stage with Bukowski in his San Francisco reading featured in the elusive Hackford Documentary?
A true drinker would notice the source of the drink. Correct, you are it.

I think they still make Electrolux and it is a vacuum cleaner. A beer kept in that would suck.
ok. more than a few minutes. heh.

easy one: How many poems did Bukowski have in Penguin Modern Poets 13?
My guess would be misspelling "Street" as SREET, but that seems too obvious. Are you looking for an earlier one with a typo inside?

If so, then it is the book with the binding that smells like apples.

right, that would be too obvious.
I'm looking for an earlier one with a typo outside.

(maybe 'typo' isn't the right word. I'm asking for a misspelling.)
Longshot POMES?

Again, this seems too obvious. Maybe something earlier?

I know that LONGSHOT POEMS is spelled "Poems" on the title page.

yes, it was the one I was thinking of.

I think that was intentional on the cover.

I think that the typo was the spelling as "poems" on the title page.

Surely, someone can answer this. I thought that this was mentioned in Sounes?

I think I've read that in Neeli's about 15 years ago. So I might be wrong about intention/accident. But anyway, it's a typo/misspelling, so, BoS: it's yours!
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