the pothead thread (3 Viewers)

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A very interesting report! If the produce keep growing then legalization is not far away. Maybe we get to smoke legally in our lifetime as they have done since 1979 in Holland...

I lived in Amsterdam 18 years ago.
Right now I live in a beautiful city where is no "poetry scene...".

I see. So coffee shops is only a big city thing? Is there no coffee shops in smaller towns? :(
Coffee shops are everywhere in Holland. Big cities, small cities, towns.
You name it.

By the way, pot was never officially legalized in Holland. They "tolerate" it. But yes, people are used and able to be free to buy and smoke pot everywhere... I worked in a coffee shop back in 1980 or so. For most Dutch people it isn't a big issue, you smoke it or not.
I don't.
Pot culture in holland is overrated.
Stupid kids don't even know what they are smoking, they're just out to get ridiculously stoned on chemicals which are not natural to the plant, cheap stuff often called "white widow".

Most Dutch people wouldn't be able to tell sativa from shiva, not tell the difference between a nice healthy smoke and messed up hydro.

Dutch government is very hypocritical about it, coffeeshops are allowed to sell, but not allowed to buy...

Ding dong dodgy-o meter going nuts.

Still amsterdam is great, my home town.
Don't live there anymore, too pretentious.
By the way, pot was never officially legalized in Holland.

I see. Yes I know it's not legal, "only" tolerated. I guess they can't legalize because of the international drug treaties they have signed. Still, it's a big leap forward. I've been to Amsterdam twice ( last time was in 2002, for 2 weeks). I noticed that there's no social stigma attached to smoking pot. Here in Denmark pot smokers are somewhat stigmatized. "Upright citizens" are not supposed to smoke pot although there's pot all over the country.
So my hat is off to Holland for finding a practical way to bypass the legalization issue and for not stigmatizing the smokers!...
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I see. Yes I know it's not legal, "only" tolerated. I guess they can't legalize because of the international drug treaties they have signed. Still, it's a big leap forward. I've been to Amsterdam twice ( last time was in 2002, for 2 weeks). I noticed that there's no social stigma attached to smoking pot. Here in Denmark pot smokers are somewhat stigmatized. "Upright citizens" are not supposed to smoke pot although there's pot all over the country.
So my hat is off to Holland for finding a practical way to bypass the legalization issue and for not stigmatizing the smokers!...

Not true.
Smokers are stigmatized everywhere, especially in holland where people can see you going in coffeeshops.
Honestly its just an imagine.
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Ok, I stand corrected. It was a couple of smoking "natives" in their thirties who told me so. We actually had a long talk about it. They kept saying there was no stigma attached whatsoever. It must have been wishful thinking on their part, then. I should have known it was too good to be true...
You are so right! - If you smoke a joint once in a while, then you're a no-good hippie drug addict. But if you get fucking drunk every weekend, then you're a helluva cool guy...:D
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I can't speak to the point of there being or not being a stigma attached to smoking - as I am a drinker, not a smoker.
And yes, drinking seems to embraced, not just accepted.

But having lived with and worked around pot smokers I must say that (like this thread) they are just so fucking boring.
Gifted, intelligent and articulate people would become slow-witted, tedious and just plain bad at performing (music). Worst of all, they become overconfidant and have no idea how much they are screwing up.
And boring.... Oh my god!

And yes, the same could be said of most drunks. But I've never been in a social/working situation where it has been acceptable to work/perform drunk. Yet it's considered cool to smoke at rehearsal, before, during and after a performance.

Maybe drinking does have a stigma.
Different dog, same leg action.
My perspective... limited as it is to the music scene.

Let the flaming begin. (Dons asbestos suit)
while at work yesterday
the aroma of weed
began drifting through the place
the electricans were puffing upstairs
later when they were within closer proximity
i was listening to and watching them
they were talking, laughing, and smiling
as they moved along doing their job
they made me laugh with their wit

bottom line, buk
they were not like the people
you described as pot smokers
nor am i
in fact
your description could easily apply
to many drinkers i know
some of which are on this forum

i'm not going to flame you
and nor will any other pothead
it's a proven statistic that pot smokers
unlike drinkers, tend to be non-aggressive

i'm all out of weed right now
no big deal, i enjoy periodic dry spells
but when i have some
i smoke one hit of my waterpipe
in the morning before work
it does not affect my performance
in any negative way

moderation is the key
there were my younger years
when i'd smoke way too much
for a given situation
but that was simply youthful foolishness
Buk on a bike - It sounds like the problems you describe are with the over-indulgent smoker. Especially the musicians who put the weed before the music. That's just plain rude to the audience and fellow band members alike. I suppose it comes down to respecting others and being aware of different social situations. I move easily between smoking and non-smoking crowds and think nothing of it because I don't choose my friends according to their partying habits.

Now - put away the abestos suit. That WILL give you cancer ! :>)
your description could easily apply
to many drinkers i know
some of which are on this forum

i'm not going to flame you
and nor will any other pothead
it's a proven statistic that pot smokers
unlike drinkers, tend to be non-aggressive

that people who smoke pot are less aggressive is a cliche. of course - it doesn't negate the point that alcohol fuels the flames of one's psyche.
this potheads versus drinkers (or visa versa) is a non-starter.
that people who smoke pot are less aggressive is a cliche. of course - it doesn't negate the point that alcohol fuels the flames of one's psyche.
this potheads versus drinkers (or visa versa) is a non-starter.

*yeah...alcohol fuels the psyche
i recall my psyche getting so fueled
i was nearly thrown out of an airplane in midflight

*not a cliche in my opinion
but a generalization
as i stated: a proven statistic

*not so much as x vs. y
just comparisons
Pretty sure

I have nothing against almost any human endevour that doesn't harm others - smoking pot included.
My point was that it's probably more interesting to do (?) than to talk about.
Surely more interesting to do than to read about!

And certainly very boring to be around if you are not induging yourself.

And yes number6horse, those guys did not have their shit together. That's for sure.
Ahh, now I get it! The story about the judge had'nt surfaced over here (I think), so I was a little lost. Funny story though...:)
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The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys
What does the title mean?
What do the lyrics mean?
I've Googled it and....not satisfied with what Capaldi had to say about it.
Wanna know what you think about it.

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