What are you listening to? The world really needs to know - III (2 Viewers)

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Today I've listened mostly to Elvis (Hi Elvis, if you're reading this)...

But now listening to the quite strange Russian CD 'Bukowski Lives!'


- readings from the 'Run with the Hunted' CD backed with a mixture of classical music and some Tom Waits too.

[This video is unavailable.]
Well, that wasn't indulgent at all.

But you know you've made it when you have a valet to prop you up when you feel like leaning off the stage. That's style, you see.

And what the hell happened to his old Hohner tele at the end there? It looked like he tossed it into the air and it never came down. Does he also have a guitar-catching valet? Odds are, yes, he does.
Was that Jeff Lynne singing?

It is pretty funny that Prince has a guy to prop him up when he feels like leaning. I wonder how he lists that on his resume?

And does the same guy move from in front of the stage to his area in the rafters to catch the guitar, or does Prince have two guys like that?

Hmm, good questions. I would think that Prince has several valets who perform different duties. For example, the leaning valet may also fetch ribs and open doors. The guitar-catching valet may also answer the phone and handle scarf laundry. There are a lot of things that need to be done, you know, probably too much for one valet. Even an excellent valet.

Yes, that was Jeff Lynne and Tom Petty singing. And if I'm not mistaken George Harrison's son was playing one of the 20 guitar parts. It makes sense that Lynne would sing, given that he built an entire career on sounding like 3 or 4 Beatles songs.
I was looking for a Chaka Khan song, found it, but it led me to other songs...

back a few years ago (10? 15? fuck I'm old) when I thought I could DJ, I would mix the following song with the Beastie Boys' Intergalactic. I remember the song because back in '84 (?) the girls seemed to love it. in '84 I said I hated that kind of song and thought I meant it, but I was 15 going on 16. but I recognized (without admitting it) the darkness of it. or something. anyway.

This song was on my mind.
I listened to Sarah Vaughan, Brenda Lee, Aretha's, Nathalie Cole.
The latest is my favorite after Dinah Washington. All that jazz for a simple song.
Jeff Lynne mentioned above and have to admit I loved ELO when I was a kid. Before I introduced myself to music magazines and expanded my horizons I was tethered to what I heard on the radio. Nostalgic feelings are hard to shake:

Shit, this ain't so bad.
Jesus, the 80s on the Sunset Strip were a vile and useless time and place for music (and everything else). What a cheap plastic formulaic wanking transistor buzz hairspray rank come-and-see-my-band flyer ghetto it was. Hearing that sterile, desperate, and ultimately dead 80s sound just makes me think of dust and boredom and the endless river of moldy shit that was 80s rawk. How depressing.

What a stinking age, what a set of ass-lickers indeed.
Jesus, the 80s on the Sunset Strip were a vile and useless time and place for music (and everything else). What a cheap plastic formulaic wanking transistor buzz hairspray rank come-and-see-my-band flyer ghetto it was. Hearing that sterile, desperate, and ultimately dead 80s sound just makes me think of dust and boredom and the endless river of moldy shit that was 80s rawk. How depressing.

What a stinking age, what a set of ass-lickers indeed.

I feel a slight animosity there.

Now come on, there is a lot of hair and shining but I like it somehow. Good voice and the drummer is really pumping it. Which doesn't prevent it from being mass-produced high-tactically-bred sellout deadflat shit concerning anything like musical talent or artistic originality etc., of course.

Still, I would definitely ROCK them all, since they are asking so nicely.
I feel a slight animosity there.
No animosity toward the people, I have only pity for them. The history of rock music is littered with bands and genres dedicated to partying, woo! and that's really neither here nor there.

Why every Sunset Strip band circa 1985 sucks runny goat shit is because they were all clones with the same flat soda sound. Bizzy buzz buzz electric toy scissors run through a rack of $10,000 modelling amps, compressors and limiters with an extremely forced ain't-we-having-a-GOOD TIME! false joviality toothache frosting laid over the top. A zombie army of impotent followers and lackeys. The naked emperor in an Aqua Net fog.

No fun my babe, no fun.

I saw a documentary a few years back and in it Lita Ford was practically in tears, complaining about being made irrelevant overnight by the awful, toxic grunge tsunami; "Why can't we just rock out again? Whatever happened to rock and roll?" which seemed funny to me, since she was one of the people who suffocated it under a mountain of spandex and pointy guitars until it was deader than dead.

These days I'm all about Wonky Jim's 8 bit chiptune Game Boy 12" vinyl remixes of the Poison albums. That dude is where it's at. He's all alone on the new frontier.
Yeah, years ago, I saw an interview with Sebastian Bach from Skid Row, complaining that they used to beat up nerds like Kurt Cobain and Michael Stipe and now they took over THEIR rock and roll. GAWSH, HOW UNFAIR...

I had a friend in high school that tried to convince me that Poison was a great band because they were "just like the New York Dolls."

uh, what?
I bought the record in secret - headphones were the only option. My fundamentalist Christian parents discovered it during a scheduled sweep of my room and freaked the fuck out. I should have hidden it better. You should have seen the look in their eyes when they uncovered an early Head East record. Ha! Good times....good times.
The first Van Halen record was amazing. Not the songs or the singing or the anything - but THE SOUND. There had never been a sound like that before, hard as that may be to believe now that every 14 year old can buy a stompbox to replicate it. It was unique and new and fucking awesome.

Then they sucked. But for a minute there...
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